T-28中型坦克 - 百度百科
T-28中型坦克(英文:T-28 Medium Tank),是20世纪30年代苏联研制的第一种中型坦克。 T-28中型坦克是用来支援步兵以突破敌人的坚强防线,并配合T-35重型坦克进行作战,两车也有许多零件通用。
T-28 mod. 1940 — Tier IV Soviet medium tank - Blitz Hangar
Average HP, Average DPM, Penetration 85, Damage 140, Reload time: 7.48, Good view range, Big caliber. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
T-28 (medium tank) - Wikipedia
The T-28 was a Soviet multi-turreted medium tank. The prototype was completed in 1931, and production began in late 1932. It was an infantry support tank intended to break through fortified defences. The T-28 was designed to complement the heavier T-35 (also multi-turreted), with which it shared turret designs. The type did not have great ...
T-28 M1940 Medium Tank - wardrawings.be
1st Armored Division, Red Army - Northern Front, USSR, August 1941. The late model despite improvements and reinforced armor had become completely obsolete at the end of 1941. It will …
T-28坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
多炮塔坦克T-28 - 哔哩哔哩
T-28 1938型 或称 T-28B —装备了改良的L-10 76.2mm主炮(倍径由16.5提升至26),还增加了主炮稳定系统与更进步的M-17L型引擎。 T-28E 或称 T-28C —由于在1940年对芬兰的作战表现太差,将其前部装甲提升至80mm,车重达32吨,时速则降到了23公里。
T-28 Model 1940 - wardrawings.be
T-28 Model 1940 Medium Tank. Red Putilov Factory later renamed Factory No.100 Kirovskiy Works
T-28 mod. 1940 - Tier IV U.S.S.R. Medium - BlitzKit
T-28 mod. 1940 armor, statistics, equipment, provisions, and more. 1,100 DPM, 140hp alpha, 85mm penetration, 45kph top speed, 600hp health.
T-28 mod. 1940 - WoT Blitz Wiki
The T-28 mod. 1940 is a Tier IV Soviet Collector Medium Tank. The T-28 tank was developed by the Experimental Machine Design Bureau of the Voroshilov plant. The vehicle saw service on August 11, 1933. A total of 503 tanks were manufactured at the Leningrad Kirov Plant between 1933 and 1940...
T-28 mod. 1940 | Stats, Armor, Weakspots, Modules, Equipment ...
2025年2月26日 · T-28 mod. 1940: armor layout, internal modules and crew, weak spots, stats. Choose equipment, perks and field mods. Compare with other tanks.