T-60 tank - Wikipedia
The T-60 scout tank was a light tank produced by the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1942. During this period, 6,292 units were built. The tank was designed to replace the obsolete T-38 amphibious scout tank and saw action during World War II. The Kingdom of Romania used the T-60 chassis to build some locally-designed tank destroyers.
T-60坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T-60輕型戰車 是 蘇聯 於1941年至1942年期間生產的 輕型戰車。 共有超過6,292輛T-60被生產了出來。 該戰車用來取代老舊的 T-38 (英语:T-38 tank) 兩棲 侦察戰車。 T-60的基礎設計工作僅花了15天的時間就完成 [2]。 再加上报送上级审批和根据意见修改定型,总计也就一个月的时间即量产。 尼古拉斯·阿斯特羅夫 (Nicholas Astrov)在 莫斯科 的 以格里戈里·康斯坦丁诺维奇·奥尔忠尼启则命名的第37號工廠 設計團隊於1938年被命令設計兩棲與非兩棲的侦察戰車,它們很快地 …
T-60坦克 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
T-60輕型戰車 是 蘇聯 於1941年至1942年期間生產的 輕型戰車。 共有超過6,292輛T-60被生產了出來。 該戰車用來取代老舊的 T-38 (英語:T-38 tank) 兩棲 偵察戰車。 T-60的基礎設計工作僅花了15天的時間就完成 [2]。 再加上報送上級審批和根據意見修改定型,總計也就一個月的時間即量產。 尼古拉斯·阿斯特羅夫 (Nicholas Astrov)在 莫斯科 的 以格里戈里·康斯坦丁諾維奇·奧爾忠尼啟則命名的第37號工廠 設計團隊於1938年被命令設計兩棲與非兩棲的偵察戰車,它們很快地 …
T-60轻型坦克 - 百度百科
T-60轻型坦克是苏联于1941年至1942年期间生产的 轻型坦克。 共有超过6,292辆T-60被生产了出来。 该坦克原本为设计用来取代老旧的T-38两栖侦查坦克。 T-60的基础设计工作仅花了15天的时间就完成。 [1] 1941年5月, 莫斯科 第37号工厂接到命令生产新型的 T-50轻型坦克,这是一种由 列宁格勒 第174号工厂设计的坦克。 T-50坦克 很适于大量制造,换句话说,小的尺寸以及很轻的重量对金属需求很低。 小型的工厂以及一些没有能力制造较复杂坦克的工厂都可以生产T-50 …
Soviet T-60 (1941) - tank-afv.com
The Romanians modified 34 captured T-60s into TACAM T-60 tank destroyers in 1943. It had a captured Soviet F-22 76.2 mm (3 in) gun housed in a light armored superstructure open at the top and rear, a typical tank destroyer configuration at the time.
T-60-3 and ZSU - Tank Encyclopedia
4 天之前 · The T-60 was a Soviet light tank designed for a two-man crew, armed with a 20 mm cannon and a coaxial machine gun. It represented a further development of Soviet light tank projects but, despite some improvements, was ultimately considered a failed design.
GAZ-60 / T-60 light tank - GlobalSecurity.org
Held on the conveyor for less than a year, from September 1941 to July 1942, the T-60 became the most massively produced small tank in history. During the heavy summer battles, the Red Army...
T-60 Guide - Tank Archives
2020年8月3日 · When choosing how to attack with T-60 tanks, in addition to studying the enemy's anti-tank defenses, do the following. Carefully study the terrain in the attack sector (using a map, reconnaissance, or observation from a forward observation point), determine the tanks' ability to move through it at full speed and their ability to cross obstacles ...
T-60: A Small Tank in a Big War - Tank Archives
2016年7月31日 · Remaining in production for just under a year, from September 1941 to July 1942, the T-60 became the most numerous small tank in history. These vehicles appeared on the front lines during the most heated part of the Battle for Moscow, and made a noticeable contribution to the war during its most difficult point.
T-60 tank | Military Wiki | Fandom
The T-60 scout tank was a light tank produced by the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1942. In this time over 6,292 were built. The tank was designed to replace the obsolete T-38 amphibious scout tank...