T-64 - Wikipedia
It introduced advanced features including composite armour, a compact engine and transmission, and a smoothbore 125-mm gun equipped with an autoloader to allow the crew to be reduced to three so the tank could be smaller and lighter.
T-64主力戰車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
T-64戰車的最為突出的技術革新就是裝備一門使用分裝式砲彈和自動供彈的115公釐滑膛砲(型號 2A21/D-68,後升級為125公釐2A26),讓戰車毋需專職供彈手(副砲手),使乘員從4名減少到3名,減少戰車體積和重量,也是第一款使用 複合裝甲 的戰車 [7]。 當時,T-64的乘員笑說這設計師是因聽了 諾門坎戰役 產生的軍旅歌曲《三個戰車兵》(Три танкиста)才有感而發,是以設計了僅需三名戰車兵的T-64。 [8] T-64系列也為蘇聯戰車技術開了先河,目的是使蘇聯紅軍在技 …
T-64主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T-64主战坦克 是 苏联 在 1960年代 研发的 主战坦克,是苏联标准下第一款第三代的(苏联标准是T-62为第二代。 M1、挑战者和豹2和T-80为第四代) 主战坦克 [3][4][5],仅在苏联及解体后的多个 独联体 国家中服役,並只装备在一些前线军区部队裡。 尽管T-64不像 T-72主战坦克 那样广泛被多个国家装备和发展,但却是苏联(包括 苏联解体 后分离出来的 俄罗斯 、 乌克兰)日后的现代化坦克(如 T-80 、 T-84)的基础。 [6] 苏联T-64主战坦克是 冷战 时代最具有革命性的坦克设计 …
T-64 Main Battle Tank (1963)
The T-64 was a cold war Main Battle Tank, the most sophisticated ever built at that stage in USSR, but which proved too delicate and complex and was limited in production and active units.
T-64 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The T-64 is a Soviet main battle tank, introduced in the early 1960s. It was a more advanced counterpart to the T-62: the T-64 served tank divisions, while the T-62 supported infantry in motor rifle divisions. Although the T-62 and the famed T-72 …
T-64 - Army Recognition
2024年8月4日 · The T-64 is the second generation of Soviet-made main battle tank introduced in the early 1960s. It introduced a number of advanced features including composite armor, a compact engine and transmission, and a smoothbore 125-mm gun equipped with an autoloader to allow the crew to be reduced to three so the tank could be smaller and lighter.
T64 Tank - GlobalSecurity.org
2023年1月10日 · The T-64 is fitted with the 2A46 D-81TM Rapira-3 125mm main gun. The 125-mm main gun has a four-section removable thermal shield, with two sections in front of and two sections to the rear of...
T-64 Main Battle Tank - HowStuffWorks
The T-64 almost always carries its long snorkel tube fastened to a rack on the turret bustle when in the field. The T-64A (NATO designation) or T-64 M1981/1 (Soviet designation) has a modified gun sight, smoke mortars on the front of the turret, and side skirt armor attaching to …
T-64 Main Battle Tank (MBT) - Military Factory
2022年3月25日 · The T-64's gun was the D-68 (2A21 series) while a pair of snorkels could be erected prior to entering bodies of water for amphibious crossings. The ammunition count totaled 36 x 125mm projectiles and included APFSDS, HEAT-FARG and HE-FRAG types as needed.
T-64 Tank Specifications - tanxheaven.com
Main armament: 125 mm smoothbore gun with autoloader; Secondary armament: 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun, 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun; Engine: 5TDF 700 hp multi-fuel turbine engine; Operational range: 450 km; Speed: Up to 60 km/h; The T-64 was the first tank to feature an autoloader for its main gun, reducing the crew needed to operate the tank.
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