Black Eagle (tank) - Wikipedia
The Black Eagle tank (Russian: Чёрный Орёл, Chyornyy Oryol) or Object 640 was a presumed prototype main battle tank based upon the T-80UM-2, developed by the KBTM design bureau …
T-95主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
t-95是一款正在研發中的俄羅斯主战坦克,由t-90发展而来。 該車擬搭載 2A83 152mm 滑膛砲 ,可能裝載世上前所未有的大口徑炮,因此配有高自動化裝彈和小型化的無人炮塔以減輕重量。
T-95 Main Battle Tank - ciar.org
Russian Defence Minister Marshal Igor Sergeyev has announced that a radically new main battle tank (MBT) designated the T-95 has been developed in Russia. Sergeyev made his statement …
T-95 原型主战坦克_俄罗斯 - 搜狐
2020年8月23日 · 2000年,俄罗斯宣布开发了新一代主战坦克。它被指定为t-95。旨在取代 t-72和 t-80坦克,并成为俄罗斯陆军的主要mbt。大型原型的试验始于1998年。整个程序高度保密。即 …
T-95 (Objekt 775 / Item 195) - GlobalSecurity.org
2021年9月13日 · The new-generation MBT, which still did not have a designation, was said to feature better firepower, maneuverability, electronics and armor protection than the T-90 MBT.
The Russian T-95 Main Battle Tank - TankNutDave.com
The Russian T-95 Main Battle Tank was a proposed tank design to replace T-90 Tank production as the most modern Russian Tank. The T-95 project was cancelled
Russia’s T-95 Tank: The Revolutionary Battle Tank That Never Was
2024年4月18日 · Summary: The T-95, an experimental fourth-generation main battle tank developed by Russia’s Uralvagonzavod, was poised to revolutionize armored warfare with …
Objekt 195 / T-95 MBT
Objekt 195 / T-95 MBT. The experimental Objekt 195 tank was armed with 152-mm smoothbore high-pressure gun. Long-term development of the T-95 tank project began in the research …
Russia new low profile main battle tank-T-95 Black Eagle
2012年6月29日 · The T-95 MBT is armed with a 135mm gun which is believed to be of the smoothbore type and is fitted with a new fire control system (FCS). Target information is …
T-95戦車 - さくらのレンタルサーバ
t-95戦車はロシア陸軍の主力mbtであるt-72/t-90/t-80戦車シリーズの後継として、西側の最新鋭mbtを凌駕する性能を持つ強力なmbtを実現しようという意欲的なものであったが、本車 …