According to this chart, what colour are your eyes?
I think mine are closest to T07 they're brown but when I look at them closesly in the mirror they do have a greenish color underneath as well, you can't see it from distance though.
1998 Eye Chart - Know Your Meme
1998 Eye Chart is an eye color diagram from a 1998 doll catalog in which eye colors ranging from light blue to dark brown are assigned individual designations from A10 to T50. In June 2019, a …
where would you say my eyes/your eyes are? i saw this chart ... - Reddit
2023年3月10日 · Mine are either C20 or D30 depending on the sky — definitely D30 on overcast days and C20 on sunny, blue-sky days. Gray eyes can be so deceptive 🤷🏻♀️
Time to oust the stormin lighteyes. Whats your eye color?
Potentially controversial opinion - C20, D20 is Darkeyes, T07 and T10 are light, maybe even T15 and T17. Even in the books there's descriptions of the adjacent dahn/nahns having V.E.R.Y. …
【心得】irocks T07 Plus 使用感想(原T07用家) @電腦應用綜合討 …
2023年2月27日 · 有去三創試坐了最新的T07 NEO ,外型滿好看的泡棉比想像的Q彈舒服,扶手同樣用可後收扶手並且改善T07 plus的扶手缺點,可以固定住,本身往內凹的設計讓手靠著滿舒 …
【心得】iRocks T07 Evo電腦椅開箱心得 @電腦應用綜合討論 哈啦 …
2025年1月18日 · 側面扶手設計,T07 Evo似乎是採用跟T07 Neo同款的,可以調整高度或是向後折疊收起來 扶手頂部也可以調整角度、前後左右等等 頭枕部分,從後方可以看到它以網布為基 …
What is your eye color? - GirlsAskGuys
A17, A40, or A50, just depends on how long I'm in the sun. It's pretty weird. My eye color is T17, and turns into T07 in the sunlight. 4.2K opinions shared on Other topic. Home > Other > …
【心得】irocks T07人體工學椅/網椅開箱 補一週後感想 @電腦應 …
2021年2月27日 · 最後關鍵還是在坐到111跟T07之後,發現這種分兩片的腰靠才是自己需求,最後T07坐起來有寬大感加上2年保,加上不是中國產地而是台灣製,就下訂等它送到家了。 碎碎 …
irocks t07 plus 真實心得優缺點分享 - Mobile01
2024年1月12日 · 買了irocks t07 plus坐到現在也超過半年了,網路上也不少開箱文就不從頭介紹囉。 主要以整體的坐感跟心得來分享。 先來說說優點部分價格划算當然1W1左右的價格稱不上 …
Discovering the Rarity of Amber Eye Color | TikTok
104 Likes, TikTok video from Amanda B (@domsfordays): “Explore the beauty and rarity of amber eye color with insights and charts. Unlock the secrets of stunning t07 eye colors! …