T-100 LT is cancer, the Smasher of Tier X. You may love it but
Three of them were aimed in shots and two snaps. The shells hit the edge of the T-100 LT and ricochet so often. If WG wants to roll out such flat tanks, give a dispersion buff to all the tanks in tier 10. Right now, T-100 LT is only serving as a stat improvement tool for anyone who has some common sense about playing blitz.
The T-100 LT: A Review : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2017年5月18日 · The T-100 LT was the next logical choice as I already had the T-54 LTWT and didnt hate playing it. Look, I am an experienced player at tier 10. I have played over 12k battles in tier 10 alone, and own no less than 30 tier 10 vehicles at the moment, AND I have sold 3.
Playing the T100 LT had been a really humbling experience, any
2023年2月15日 · In CW/Advances you use EBR's (due to mobility) and sometimes (very rare) Passive LT (Manti/T100 but that's 90% Manti due to better passive spot stats) In random you're passive spotter, active spotter (not yolo EBR style) and cammo med all on one. It takes experience to know when to fill which of this roles.
Should i aim for the T-100-lt ? : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
2023年8月9日 · If it will be your first tier X, no, go for something more newbie friendly. 100 LT punishes mistakes very hard and I think this is not for inexperienced players. It is very fun tank, I love it, but I love more T-54 ltwt, and the best and most fun tank is LTG. Try first LTG and 54ltwt, master the play with them, then go for T100 LT.
is the T-100 lt still good : r/WorldofTanksConsole - Reddit
2022年12月29日 · T100 is the best (active spotting) light tank in the game without question, and it's ability to remain hidden with its low profile and hit insane shots due to its great dispersion values both while still and in motion + its good base accuracy means you don't ever stop driving.
T-100 LT still worth it? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2019年10月18日 · T100 is great for passive spotting if you avoide being rushed by an wheeled tank that expects you to be in the exact bush that he is heading to. You have the advantage of a greater view range, which often will mean that you will outspott an EBR 105 for example, only if you're on a greater distance than him.
T-100 LT vs AMX 13 105 for first ever light tank line? - Reddit
2021年4月13日 · This is a no-brainer: T-100LT. Lights are all about vision (i.e., view range and camo). AMX is simply lacking camo, when compared to T100-LT (or Manticore or EBR for that matter). So the Russian light will outplay it, ceteris paribus. I see some people like the autoloader, but I cannot follow this reasoning at all.
Wz 132 1 or T 100 lt : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
2023年5月1日 · T100 all the time, T100 is much smaller, got the 20 second spotting capabilities, far better penetration (using rammer in both T100 and wz-132-1), far better on movement dispersion, higher acceleration, better camo values, and having better shell velocity. Wz-132-1 just got is the faster capability of being unspotted, better dpm, and aim time.
T-100LT equipment : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2021年2月3日 · What do you guys think? I personaly like cvs quite much on the t100 because you can sneak up on people quite good and gives u some bs spots which just wouldnt have been possible if i would just have vents for example. Currently i rarely take it out anymore and thought a different approuch would be nice.
EBR 105 or T-100 lt? : r/WorldofTanksConsole - Reddit
2023年1月30日 · You'll have a far easier time with the T-100 lt. The EBR is just too reliant on team mates for damage. The EBR may be best for competitions with the clans, but requires a lot of skill and a max crew. Most still just default to the T …