T-13 tank destroyer - Wikipedia
The T-13 B2 model was a further development of the B1, but differs only slightly from the B1 model: most importantly the turret was redesigned to give the vehicle a somewhat lower frontal silhouette.
Belgian T13 tankette - tank-afv.com
The T13 passed all tests successfully, and this first variant, called B1 was produced to 32 units by Miesse, a truck maker from Buysinghen, near Brussels. Armor was limited to 12 mm (0.47 in) on the main armored panels, hull sides and front, but the bottom, turret top and hull vertical surfaces were only 6 mm (0.24 in) strong.
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Nov 22, 2016 · 如今可以在布鲁塞尔的皇家陆军博物馆里看到一辆T13-B2。 如上所述,T13-B1和T13-B2的最大缺点就是要降低前面和侧面的装甲板才能进行全向射击。
Belgian combat vehicles of World War II - Wikipedia
The T13 series was similar to the T15, with a main armament of a 47 mm anti-tank gun instead of a machine gun and 6–13 mm (0.24–0.51 in) of armour. They were regarded as tank destroyers and except the first model (B1) had rotating turrets.
可能会是个可敬的对手 比利时坦克小谈 - 搜狐
Nov 22, 2016 · 这就是T13-B1。 【T13-B1型自行火炮】 不过23辆原本用来牵引Bofors 75mm山炮的无武装牵引车JUwnDe$Gl的性能不是令人满意。 它们被性能更好的F.N. 63C-4RM型4x4卡车取代。 这23辆Vickers牵引车被收回进行了改进,装备了FRC 47mm反坦克炮(和它们的前辈一样)。 这些车被称为 ...
T-13B1 & B2 - Quartermaster Section
The T-13B1 had a rear facing gun protected by armoured plates, the gun could only traverse 120 degrees with the plates in place and had to drop the plates to allow for a traverse of 360 …
Allied Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War II: WW2 Belgian armor
Aug 13, 2015 · The T13 series was very similar to the T15; the only major difference was that the main armament was a 47 mm anti-tank gun instead of a machine gun. They were regarded as tank destroyers; except the first model (B1) all had fully rotating turrets.
T13 B1 Tank - Royal Military Museum Brussels - Flickr
The T-13 was a tank destroyer in use with the Belgian armed forces before World War II and during the Battle of Belgium. It was designed by Vickers-Armstrong, and produced by Vickers, Miesse and Familleheureux and outfitted with armament from Fonderie Royale de Canons Herstal. The earlier T-13s were based on imported Vickers tracked vehicles that were outfitted with armament and armor in ...
The T-13 Models B1, B2, and B3 - LiquiSearch
The T-13 Models B1, B2, and B3 These tanks were very similar to the T15; the only major difference was the use of a cannon instead of machine gun. They were regarded as tank destroyers and were equipped with a 47 mm gun. All models except the first B1 s had fully rotating turrets. Total production for the T-13:
T.13 B-1 - wardrawings.be
/Vehicles/Allies/Others/03-Belgium/1-TrackedVehicles/T.13B-1.htm | Up-dated: 16-06-2014Belgian T.13 B1 Tank Destroyer