Fluorothymidine F-18 - Wikipedia
Fluorothymidine F-18 (FLT) is a tumor-specific PET tracer and radiopharmaceutical. It is an isotopologue of alovudine. FLT is suitable for monitoring how tumors respond to cytostatic therapy. FLT accumulates in proliferating cells where it indicates the activity of the enzyme thymidine kinase.
[18F]FLT: An imaging biomarker of tumour proliferation for assessment ...
2012年3月1日 · We review results of recent clinical trials using FLT–PET for monitoring tumour response to drug treatment and discuss the potential and the possible pitfalls of using this IB as a surrogate end-point in early phase clinical trials for assessing tumour response to drug treatment.
[18F]FLT-PET in oncology: current status and opportunities
In recent years, [18F]-fluoro-3'-deoxy-3'-L: -fluorothymidine ( [18F]FLT) has been developed as a proliferation tracer. Imaging and measurement of proliferation with PET could provide us with a non-invasive staging tool and a tool to monitor the response to anticancer treatment.
The role of F-18-fluorothymidine PET in oncology
2013年3月28日 · 3′-deoxy-3′-([18F]Fluoro)-fluorothymidine, (18F-FLT) is a fluorinated tracer which has been proposed as an imaging biomarker of cell proliferation. The aim of this review is to provide an overall evaluation and description of the diagnostic role of 18F-FLT PET or PET/CT in oncology imaging and clinical practice.
18 F-FLT增殖显像机制及前期临床研究
18 f-3'-脱氧-3'-l-氟代胸苷( 18 f-flt)作为一种增殖示踪剂,利用pet可将细胞增殖活动可视化并进行量化评估,为临床提供了一种非侵入性监测抗肿瘤疗效的检查方法。
18F-Thymidine - SpringerLink
2024年8月30日 · 18 F-FLT, a thymidine analogue for PET imaging, targets the thymidine salvage pathway, a process by which DNA precursors are supplied to the dividing cells. Clinical indications and a few clinical cases are being illustrated for routine use of 18 F-FLT in oncology, after going through synthesis, pharmacokinetics, physiological distribution.
Automated and efficient radiosynthesis of [18F]FLT using a low …
2016年8月1日 · We demonstrate that a fully automated and efficient radiosynthesis of [18 F]FLT is feasible with only 5 mg of precursor. Compare to the present state of the art, our method provides high yields of pure [18 F]FLT and is broadly adaptable to other synthesis automates.
呼之欲出!奇瑞T18FL4项目首曝,新款瑞虎8即将进入实车路试阶 …
2023年11月11日 · 上图就是新近拍摄到的T18FL4的零配件货箱,上面贴着的编号只要不瞎都能看到,先说一个事,T18就是第一代瑞虎8的项目编号,后续钢牙版的项目编号是T1A,紧随其后的瑞虎8Plus则是T1D的项目编号,再后来瑞虎8Pro又沿用了T18的编号,项目正式编号是T18FL3,因 …
18F-FLT分子探针|分子靶点:核酸代谢 - CSDN博客
2023年10月13日 · 本文介绍了18F-FLT,一种放射性核素标记的胸腺嘧啶类似物,常用于评估细胞增殖的正电子显像剂,适用于科研目的,非临床用途。 文中还列举了其他核素分子探针及其分子靶点信息。 18F-FLT分子探针|分子靶点:核酸代谢. 产品名称:18F-FLT. 别称:显像剂18F-FLT. 介绍:18F-FLT 是经过放射性核素标记的胸腺嘧啶的类似物,是较常见的正电子显像剂,用于评估细胞的增殖情况,提供其他影像学检查和显像剂不能提供的信息。 纯度:95%+. 储藏条件:-20°C下 …
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