T18 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The T18 is a fully enclosed tank destroyer with thick frontal armour that makes it difficult to penetrate for same-tiered enemies. The T18 is also quite mobile and has excellent close …
T18 — Tier II American tank destroyer - Blitz Hangar
Low HP, Good DPM, Penetration 64, Damage 60, Reload time: 4.46, Precise, Fast, High damage, High penetration. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
T18 - WoT Blitz Wiki
The T18 is a Tier II American Collector Tank Destroyer. Development of this self-propelled gun on the basis of the M3 light tank started in October 1941. The first prototype passed trials in the...
T18 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The T18 is a closed-type tank destroyer with thick frontal armor plating that makes it a tough nut to crack. Its armor gives it a good chance of survival, but it has low hit points if penetrated. It is …
【图片】请注意,车辆删除和替换是两码事【坦克世界亚服吧】_百 …
图3的T18不知道还有多少人记得,现在wot算在火炮,然而很久以前其实是量TD,正面装甲同级几乎无弱点,还能带喷子炮(如果我没记错的话),在低级房尤其wotb这种操作比较不精确的游戏 …
T18 - Tier II U.S.A. TD | BlitzKit Tankopedia | World of Tanks Blitz (WoTB)
T18 armor, statistics, equipment, provisions, and more. 790 DPM, 60hp alpha, 64mm penetration, 48kph top speed, 350hp health.
T18 | World of Tanks Wiki - Fandom
The T18 is a closed-type tank destroyer with thick frontal armor plating that makes it a tough nut to crack. Its armor gives it a good chance of survival, but it has low hit points if penetrated. It is …
T18 - World of Tanks Blitz Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
1941年11月、m3軽戦車の車台を用いた近接支援車両であるt18の開発が開始された。 この車両はM3軽戦車の砲塔と車体上部を撤去して車体下部を延長した戦闘室を備え、戦闘室右側 …
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
T18Tier II American Tank Destroyer. Stats. 3D Model. Compare. Show Loadout. I. II. VII. I. VI. AP. Weaponry. DPM 3,063.19. Damage 8. Penetration (mm) 27 … at 400m (mm) 20. Reload time …
T18 Game Play - American Tier 2 Tank Destroyer - YouTube
2016年9月8日 · This video will show you how to become a better player and how to master the Tier 2 American Tank Destroyer. I review the good and bad characteristics along with how to …