T-27 - Wikipedia
It was based on the design of the Carden Loyd tankette, bought under license from the United Kingdom in 1930. The Soviets were not fully satisfied with the Carden Loyd design and made a number of changes before putting it into mass production under the designation of T-27.
Soviet T-27 tankette - tank-afv.com
In 1932 the T-27 formed the bulk of the Soviet light reconnaissance tank force. 65 tankette battalions, counting 50 T-27s each, were enlisted in the Red Army. The first real fighting actions arrived in 1931-32 when dealing with the eastern Basmatchis rebels on the bone dry southern steppes of Central Asia.
T-27 37 mm Projects - Tank Encyclopedia
2023年3月22日 · From Britain, the license for the Carden-Loyd tankette was acquired. The Soviets further improved this design, which led to the creation of the T-27 tankette. As it was …
1930年初,T-27成功的用于在中亚的Kara Kum沙漠地区与当地反布尔什维克的叛乱者的作战中。 之后,T-27开始淡出红军的一线部队,转为训练用途。 一些超轻型坦克被送到OSOAVIAKhIM …
苏维埃坦克户口本(五)——T-27超轻型坦克 - 知乎
在1931年至1933年间,苏联一共生产了3328辆T-27及T-27A(一般二者被统一简称为T-27)超轻型坦克。 凭借着出色的机动性,T-27为红军的机械化部队战术研究提供了非常好的教具。 值得一提的是,苏联是世界上第一个组建空降师的国家,而这些空降部队装备的正是T-27坦克。 在执行空降作战时,T-27会被挂载在TB-3轰炸机翼下,到达预定位置后进行伞降。 但苏联也曾经有过更疯狂的计划——TB-3低空掠地飞行时直接把T-27扔下去。 【图6:携行T-27的TB-3轰炸机】 除 …
2.7吨T-27是苏联历史上第一款超轻型坦克:萨沙的兵器图谱第174期 …
苏联于1931年2月13日开始量产,取名为T-27坦克。 此时的苏联,已经具有相当的重工业能力,负责生产工作的是位于莫斯科的第37工厂,总工程师科兹列夫对其进行了多项改进。 作者:萨沙 本文章为萨沙原创,谢绝任何媒体转载 库宾卡坦克博物馆是俄罗斯的国宝,里面有很多有趣的武器。 谢谢美女摄影师拍完了所有的照片,萨沙带大家看一看。 萨沙的兵器图谱第174期 这是苏联历史上 …
T-27 Tankette / Light Tank Tracked Combat Vehicle - Military Factory
2020年11月11日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the T-27 Tankette / Light Tank Tracked Combat Vehicle including pictures.
T-27 Tankette – Army Tanks
The Soviet Union’s T-27 tankette was a two-man machine gun carrier based on the British Carden-Loyd Mark VI. Its weapons mount was modified to carry a 7.62mm DT machine gun. The T-27 had a larger hull than the Carden-Loyd Mark VI. Its running gear was also different. Soviet engineer N. Kozyrev designed the T-27 tankette.
T-27 Tankette | World War II Database
In 1930, the Soviet Union purchased the license to build the British Carden Loyd tankette locally. After modifying the design (with the effort being headed by N. Kozyrev), the T-27 tankette was born. Mass production began in 1931 at the Bolshevik factory in Leningrad, Russia and the GAZ factory in Nizhni Novgorod, Russia.
T-27 Tankette - GlobalSecurity.org
One of the first tankettes was built in 1924 by the English major of engineering troops J. Martel from spare parts of ordinary civilian cars in his own workshop. It was a single, easily armored...
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