Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/T3-M4 - StrategyWiki
2024年10月21日 · T3-M4 joins your party after getting him from Droids by Janice in the Upper City North on Taris: while he must be a member of your party to open the security door to the Sith base to allow you to escape the planet, after entering the base you can exit immediately to remove him again.
T3-M4 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
T3-M4 (also called Teethree for short) was a T3-series utility droid built as a master slicer for crime lord Davik Kang. His life of crime was short-lived, however, after Taris was bombarded by the Sith and Davik was killed. He then accompanied Revan on his search for the Star Forge.
KOTOR 1 - T3-M4 Builds - Elkripper
KOTOR 1 - T3-M4 Builds This file details some considerations to make for a T3-M4 build, and may eventually contain a few T3-M4 builds from different playthroughs. We'll see how far I take it.
TSLRCM T3-M4 build showcase: The (nearly) invincible droid ... - Reddit
2021年11月12日 · Using TSLRCM, there are 3 computer use and repair checks (require both 21 with TSLRCM) that will increase T3 stats for +2 constitution, +3 intelligence and +2 dexterity. G0-T0 yatch has an Droid Defense Algorithims upgrade that grant an …
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords/T3-M4
2023年8月4日 · T3-M4 joins your party on Peragus II when you and Atton recover him in the fuel line upon entering the Fuel Depot from the Harbinger engine deck, and he must be a member of your party until you reach the Hangar. Once aboard the Ebon Hawk, T3-M4 does a circuit of the ship, which can make it hard to find him unless he's told to stop moving around:
Star Wars KOTOR T3-M4 Build
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic T3-M4 Build - how to develop T3 powerfully!
T3-M4 - Star Wars: KotOR - GameBanshee
Find and view all T3-M4 including detailed information for Star Wars: KotOR on GameBanshee!
T3-M4 - 星球大战:旧共和国武士WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic T3-M4 build
2022年8月17日 · With this build for SW KOTOR you will have T3-M4 use it's skills for the ...more. Hello and welcome to Lord Fenton Gaming Plays Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. I am your host Lord...
General Party/Build Guide - Steam Community
2017年1月11日 · KOTOR is an excellent game, but not without serious flaws. One of the most obvious, especially on your first playthrough, is the lack of a way to reset your character's feat or power assignments, making it really easy to give your character and party some really ineffective stat distributions.