T-44 - Wikipedia
The T-44 was a medium tank developed and produced near the end of World War II by the Soviet Union. It was the successor to the T-34, offering an improved ride and cross-country performance, along with much greater armor. Designed to be equipped with an 85 mm main gun, by the time it was fully tested the T-34 had also moved to this weapon.
T-44坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T-44坦克 是 蘇聯 在 第二次世界大戰 開始生產的一種中型 坦克,用以取代當時大量服役的 T-34坦克。 對比於T-34以及後來的 T-54/55坦克,T-44生產數量很少,僅有約2000輛左右。 不過這輛坦克的諸多設計被沿用在後來服役的T54/55與 T-62 等坦克上。 T-44的研發計畫始於1943年,也就是Object 136計畫。 基本設計與T-34/85很接近,同時參考稍早另外兩種設計案:T-34M以及 T-43坦克。 在設計上,T-44從原先克莉絲蒂 懸吊系統 改為 扭力桿,發動機與車軸成90度角的安裝 …
Soviet T-44 Medium Tank (1944)
It was designed with greater armor, a three-man hexagonal turret (similar to the T-34/85), modern torsion bar suspension and road wheels that featured internal shock absorption, which would improve its off-road capabilities. The regular T-34 used Christie suspension that had now become outdated and had a tendency to give a very uncomfortable ride.
T-44坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T-44坦克 是 蘇聯 在 第二次世界大戰 開始生產的一種中型 坦克,用以取代當時大量服役的 T-34坦克。 對比於T-34以及後來的 T-54/55坦克,T-44生產數量很少,僅有約2000輛左右。 不過這輛坦克的諸多設計被沿用在後來服役的T54/55與 T-62 等坦克上。 T-44的研發計畫始於1943年,也就是Object 136計畫。 基本設計與T-34/85很接近,同時參考稍早另外兩種設計案:T-34M以及 T-43坦克。 在設計上,T-44從原先克莉絲蒂 懸吊系統 改為 扭力桿,發動機與車軸成90度角的安裝 …
T-44 Medium Tank | World War II Database - WW2DB
In the fall of 1943, A. A. Morozov began to work at Stalin Ural Tank Factory No. 183 at Nizhny Tagil, Russia on a new medium tank design that would combine the mobility of the existing T-34 tanks and a greater firepower; this new design was designated T-44 in Nov 1943.
T-44 - Military Wiki | Fandom
85-mm ZiS-S-53 tank gun (58 rds.) The T-44 was a medium tank first produced towards the end of the Second World War by the Soviet Union. It was the successor to the very successful T-34. Less than two thousand T-44s were built, but the design became the basis for the T-54/55 series of main battle tanks, the most-produced tank of all time.
T-44 Medium Tank | World War II Wiki | Fandom
The T-44 Medium Tank was a tank by the Soviet Union in the latter stages of World War II. The T-44 was the successor to the T-34 Medium Tank. It had more frontal armor than the T-34 and used the same gun as the T-34-85. There were a number of T-44 variants produced from 1944 through to the 1960's [1]:
Soviet Hammer: T-44 tank
Powered by a 512-hp engine, the T-44 was the first tank to mount its engine transversely. Crewed by only four men (instead of five as in the T-34), it dispensed with the hull gunner and utilized that space for additional ammunition storage. Initially the T-44 mounted the 85mm gun of the T-34, but later this was replaced with a 100mm gun.
T-44 Medium Tank - Military Factory
2018年11月19日 · "The T-44 appeared during World War 2 as a successor to the classic Soviet T-34 - though it arrived too late to see combat service and never lived up to expectations."
T-44坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年3月18日 · T-44坦克 是 苏联 在 第二次世界大战 开始生产的一种中型 坦克,用以取代当时大量服役的 T-34坦克。 对比于T-34以及后来的 T-54/55坦克,T-44生产数量很少,仅有约2000辆左右。 不过这辆坦克的诸多设计被沿用在后来服役的T54/55与 T-62 等坦克上。 T-44的研发计划始于1943年,也就是Object 136计划。 基本设计与T-34/85很接近,同时参考稍早另外两种设计案:T-34M以及 T-43坦克。 在设计上,T-44从原先克莉丝蒂 悬吊系统 改为 扭力杆,发动机与车 …