T-46轻型坦克 - 百度百科
T-46样车于1935年由布尔什维克工厂的试验设计机械组开始设计,设计目标是:改进T-26坦克,为其安装BT坦克使用的美国克里斯蒂悬挂装置,提高其机动能力。 [4] T-46样车仅生产了少量就停止 …
T-46 (tank) - Wikipedia
The T-46 was a Soviet fast light tank developed in 1935, as an improvement to the earlier T-26. The design was later discarded by the government, after the prototypes were built and tested. …
T-46 - Tank Encyclopedia
2016年5月22日 · In mid 1930’s the Soviet military elite believed that the Christie suspension used on the BT series of tanks was the most ideal system for a fast “cruiser” tank, and the ability to …
T-46-5坦克 - 百度百科
t-46-5是一台实验性的步兵轻坦,由列宁格勒第185号基洛夫坦克厂于1936年设计。上个世纪30年代初期,苏联研发并大量装备了t-26轻型坦克。不过,该车在使用过程中也暴露出很多问题, …
T-46:評論、特性、比較 - WoT Asia
在為了改善 T-26 輕型戰車機動性而經由重新設計其底盤為輪式履帶型的方案下所開發。 原型車建造於 1935 年。 該車在經過一系列修改之後於 1936 年 2 月 29 日投入服役。 試驗批次中至少 …
T-46 Light Tank Prototype - Military Factory
1 x MT5-I 12-cylinder gasoline-fueled engine developing 330 horsepower used to drive a track-and-wheel arrangement (55 kmh on tracks, 72 kmh on roadwheels). Some designs are single …
T-46: Photos, History, Specification
One of the major contributions of Soviet engineers in the 1930s was the "T-26" light infantry tank, production of which exceeded 10,000 before reaching the finish line (this tank is detailed …
T-46 (tank) | Military Wiki | Fandom
The T-46 was a Soviet fast light tank developed in 1935, as an improvement to the earlier T-26. The design was later discarded by the government, after the prototypes were built and tested. …
T-46 Light Tank - historyofwar.org
The T-46 Light Tank was developed in an attempt to improve the mobility of the T-26, the most numerous Soviet tank from the mid 1930s until the German invasion of 1941. The T-26 …
Tank Archives: T-46 Teletank
2016年9月28日 · The Chief of the Red Army Chemical Directorate, Corps Engineer Friedman, must issue and send to the Voroshilov and Kirov factories one KS-25 chemical device each to …