Carriage, Motor, 90mm Gun, T53 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The Carriage, Motor, 90mm Gun, T53 (abbreviated as T53 GMC) is an American prototype self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicle developed on the M4 Medium Tank chassis. The T53 was …
战场新星 美帝坦歼发展史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2017年1月14日 · T1的底盘改装自克利夫兰拖拉机厂的7吨高速牵引车MG-2,全车总重11吨,安装一门M6型3英寸 (76.2mm)主炮,主炮有一片13mm厚的炮盾。 该车采用160匹马力的Hercules …
T55E1 gun motor carriage - Wikipedia
The T55E1 3-inch gun motor carriage was a prototype vehicle developed by the Allied Machinery Manufacturing Company in 1943 for the US Army. An eight-wheel drive vehicle, the T55E1 …
M36前传——T53坦克歼击车 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年1月14日 · 1942年10月27日,T53改进后的版本被命名为90mm火炮运载车T53E1,批准生产 500 辆,并有可能再生产 3,500 辆。 T53E1的发动机和火炮互换了位置,车体后安装了支 …
M4 Sherman variants - Wikipedia
90mm Gun Motor Carriage T53/T53E1 – 90mm gun mounted on M4A4 chassis. Design modified for dual anti-tank and anti-aircraft use as T53E1 with outriggers for stability. Order for 500 …
T53 90mm Gun Motor Carriage - HistoryOfWar.org
2017年2月16日 · On 27 October 1942 the modified version was designated as the 90mm gun motor carriage T53E1, and production of 500 was authorised, with the potential for another …
T53E1 Gun Motor Carriage : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2020年8月22日 · The original T53 GMC prototype. The "improved" T53E1, note the turret being mounted more centrally. Why should it be added, and where? The T53E1 GMC is something …
二战美国“库克拦截者”,8×8的T55/E1轮式坦克歼击车 - 知乎
早在二战之前,美国联合机械制造公司就在30年代后期着手研发更强的轮式车辆,设计师提出了一种8×8的轮式多功能装甲车方案,不过直到1941年时,军方对这个项目都没有兴趣。 1942年 …
M36 Jackson 90 mm Gun Motor Carriage - wardrawings.be
T53 and the T53E1 are the first attempts to mount the anti-aircraft gun of 90 mm on an entirely tracked mounting. An order of 500 specimens was carried out then finally cancelled because …
New US SPAA? - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年8月20日 · There even Flak cannon-vehicles like T53E1 GMC 90mm AA/AT. Most if not all are build and test