T54 (American tank) - Wikipedia
The T54 was a series of prototype American tanks of the 1950s with three different turrets, all armed with a 105 mm gun, mounted on the M48 Patton chassis. The T54 had a conventional …
T54中型戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T54E1的炮塔與T69的炮塔十分相似,兩者皆採用了搖擺式的設計,且組員均為三人。 T54E1的彈倉內一次可填入九發彈藥,意即其可連續射擊九發而無須裝填。
T54E1 | War Thunder Wiki
The T54E1, officially 105 mm Gun Tank T54E1, is a premium American medium tank. It was introduced in Update 1.81 "The Valkyries". At first glance this tank looks very similar to the …
T54E1 - War Thunder Wiki
The T54E1, officially 105 mm Gun Tank T54E1, is a premium rank V American medium tank with a battle rating of 8.0 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.81 "The Valkyries". At first …
慢速弹夹T54E1一局战斗的解析 - 知乎专栏
T54E1是一台不是特别典型的弹夹MT,其主要问题在于速度较慢,炮控以及精度不佳。 但是,它也拥有着9级最强的爆发,四发炮弹能打出将近1600的伤害,几乎足以在中场秒杀同级任意一 …
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
T54E1 Tier IX American Heavy Tank SupportIX
1 天前 · T54E1是坦克世界中的重型坦克,不少玩家不清楚这个坦克是哪个系列的,这个坦克是M系的一个重型的坦克,喜欢T54E1的玩家们可以在下面了解到坦克的系列型号等。
T54E1 — Tier IX American medium tank - Blitz Hangar
A medium tank with an oscillating turret and automatic loading. Developed on the basis of the M48 tank in the mid-50s. Two prototypes were built. However, during trials automatic loading …
T54E1 - WG
A heavy tank with an oscillating turret and automatic loading. Developed on the basis of the M48 tank in the mid-50s. Two prototypes were built. However, during trials, automatic loading …
T54E1 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The T54 was a series of prototype American tanks of the 1950s with three different turrets, all armed with a 105mm gun, mounted on the M48 Patton chassis. The original T54 had a …