Type 80/88 main battle tank - Wikipedia
The Type 80 (Chinese: 80式; pinyin: BālíngShì) and the Type 88 (Chinese: 88式; pinyin: Bābāshì) are a family of Chinese second-generation main battle tanks (MBTs). They are also known as the ZTZ80 and ZTZ88.
88式坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
88C坦克是 ZTZ-96主战坦克 的曾用名,由外贸型85-IIM结合中国军队自用型ZTZ-88改進而成,采用焊接炮塔,裝备125毫米口径 滑膛炮 以及 自动装弹机,发动机與88式坦克相同。 ^ 王瑾. 默默无闻铸铁骑——访我国坦克设计师方慰先. 兵器知识. 2002年, (08期): 8–10. ^ mdc.idv.tw-88式坦克. [2008-06-19]. (原始内容 存档 于2008-06-16).
Type 80 and Type 88 Chinese main battle tanks (1981)
The Type 80 and Type 88 were very closely related PLA main battle tanks, modernized versions of the Type 69/79 with new roadhweels and powerplant and modernized main gun
88式主战坦克 - 百度百科
88式主战坦克(英文:Type 88 Main Battle Tank),是中国继59式、69式、79式坦克之后研制的第二代主战坦克。 88式主战坦克于1978年开始研制,1987年设计定型,1988年正式装备部队,其正式命名为88式主战坦克。
Type 88 Tank | Chinese Main Battle Tank | Full history & spec's
The Type 88 Tank was the PLA's last manufactured tank to use a 4 man crew and 105mm main gun. Complete history and specifications.
88式主戰坦克:發展沿革,歷史背景,研製歷程,列裝入役,技術特點,總體 …
88式主戰坦克(英文:Type 88 Main Battle Tank),是中國繼59式、69式、79式坦克之後研製的第二代主戰坦克。該坦克延續了中國坦克整體布局和鑄造炮塔的基本結構,... 南韓88式主戰坦克
Type 88 (tank) | NATO Wiki | Fandom
The Type 88 is a series of second-generation main battle tanks (MBTs) from China. Based on the Type 79 design, the Type 88 entered service with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in the 1980s. As of 2003, an estimated 500 Type 88 MBTs are currently in service with the PLA.
Type 80/88 main battle tank | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Type 80 (Chinese: 80式; pinyin: Bālíng Shì) and the Type 88 (Chinese: 88式; pinyin: Bābā shì) are a family of Chinese second-generation main battle tanks (MBTs). They are also known as the ZTZ80...
"2026 T-88 Tank: The Ultimate Battlefield Beast Unleashed!"
Discover the power and innovation of the 2026 T-88 Tank in this in-depth review! We break down its cutting-edge armor, advanced weaponry, and high-speed perf...
Type 88 tanks - Wikimedia Commons
中文:88式坦克 是中國国产二代主戰坦克,由以79式坦克成熟技术及运用二代坦克试验样车車体技术研制而成的80式坦克改进完善而成,在1980年代末开始裝備中國人民解放军陆军。