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About us - TAA DESIGN
TAA Design is an architecture, interior and landscape design office with many categories of projects such as single houses, residential areas, cultural buildings, restaurants, offices, hotels and resorts. Originating from concerns of architecture in a complex, diversity and free context. We want to create a delicate and special architecture.
TAA DESIGN - ArchDaily
TAA DESIGN has 8 projects published in our site, focused on: Residential architecture, Hospitality architecture, Urbanism. Their headquarters are based in Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam.
The Red Roof / TAA DESIGN - ArchDaily
2020年11月26日 · Courtesy of TAA DESIGN. Rural architectural typology. In Vietnamese traditional landscape, “the red roof” house represented for a time of regional local architecture. However, now new multi ...
霍门住宅, 穿透坡屋顶的盒子 / TAA DESIGN - ArchDaily
2020年9月15日 · Courtesy of TAA Design. 分隔开的空间利于通风和与自然的和谐相处。不同盒子中的私人空间彼此隔开,从而形成更多的间隙与每个角落的空气对流。与此同时,倾斜的墙体布局在坡屋顶下创造了各种大小的公共庭院空间,没有花园、阳光和树木的隔断。
红色屋顶,越南传统农村住宅 / TAA DESIGN - ArchDaily
2020年11月24日 · Courtesy of TAA DESIGN. 农村建筑类型学 在越南传统景观中,“红色屋顶”住宅代表了当地的地方建筑风格。然而,现在新的多层钢屋顶房屋似乎已经失去了乡村景观的特色。
屋顶农场,越南红色小屋 / TAA Design – mooool木藕设计网
2020年6月8日 · TAA Design:这座占地约80平方米小房子,坐落于越南广义,一个生活条件艰苦、天气炎热,有时还有漫长的雨季和汛期的农村地区。它专为当地土生土长的一对50多岁的夫妇而设计,设有园艺、晒稻、养鸡等日常活动空间,与周围自然环境建立起了千丝万缕的联系。
Home | TAA Design Studio
TAA Design Studio offers professional design services and creative solutions for your projects.
Bac Lieu House / TAA DESIGN - ArchDaily
2024年12月1日 · We aim for the structure to serve as a projection of traditional rural Vietnamese architecture, intended to inherit and preserve the fading beauty of this architectural style. The structure...
TAA DESIGN - 谷德设计网 - gooood