Interactive TB data | Stop TB Partnership
View the latest critical TB data of any country in the world, compiled from official sources such as the WHO, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the Stop TB Partnership.
Global Tuberculosis Programme - World Health Organization …
Discover current statistics and trends, compare countries and regions, and find the data you need at your fingertips using the TB Report app. Switch the interface between English, French, …
High TB burden country profiles - World Health Organization …
The report provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB epidemic, and of progress in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. This set of country profiles are …
Map Dashboard - Stop TB
Interactive Map Dashboard. Switch to high bandwidth dashboard. country: Select An Indicator. Burden and Mortality. No. of People who: Died from TB. No. of People who: ... Developed TB …
Global tuberculosis report 2024 - World Health Organization (WHO)
2024年10月29日 · The WHO Global tuberculosis report 2024 provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB epidemic and of progress in prevention, diagnosis and treatment …
Tuberculosis Data | Tuberculosis Data | CDC - Centers for Disease ...
Access archived CDC tuberculosis (TB) data reports. U.S. state and local health departments are responsible for preventing and controlling tuberculosis. CDC has resources, information, and …
Interactive TB Data
Interactive Country Dashboard Interactive Map Dashboard Treatment Dashboard. Contact. Interactive Country Dashboard
Tuberculosis - Our World in Data
The map shows estimates of the share of people with tuberculosis who are diagnosed. As you can see, case detection rates tend to be lower in countries in Africa and Asia. Lower rates of …
ibTB - Mapping bovine TB (bTB) in England and Wales
The map will display a view showing all herds differentiated by colour for the time since their last breakdown. You will be able to drag the map to the area of interest or use the search function …
Tuberculosis in the U.S - HealthMap
In the absence of user ratings, the system assigns a composite score based on the disease importance and the news volume associated with the alert. If a location's marker has multiple …