tbc.go.tz - Welcome to Government Mailing System
The United Republic of Tanzania, Government Mailing System. Tip :: Never share your password & Do not respond to any mail which asks for your login-ID/Password
英文邮件中的“暗语”缩写:TBD、TBC、EOD、都是什么意思? - 知乎
邮件中常会出现的 TBD , TBC to be determined/to be confirmed. 都是指待定的意思,比如说开会的时间和地点。 EOD =end of the day. 一般是指今天结束,也就是下班之前。
1. Logging into your TBC&GS Email for the first time
Logging into your TBC&GS email is very simple. Follow these steps: Go to InsideTrinity (https://inside.tbc2day.edu) Login with your TBC username and password. Only the username, …
【Email英文】信件裡的 TBA, TBC, N/A 是什麼意思? – 英文庫
對上班族來說,寫 Email 應該是再日常不過的事了! 但是,你知道信件裡出現的英文縮寫 TBA, TBC, N/A 是什麼意思嗎? 接下來就讓我來告訴你吧~Let’s go! 😎. 而因為事情是「被」公佈的, …
TBC、FAQ、AKA都是什么意思?十大“职场暗语”你必须知道! - 知乎
想要纵横职场,不懂点“暗语”怎么行? TBC、FAQ、AKA……那些在e-mail中被广泛使用的缩写形式,作为职场新人的你,是不是看了一脸懵? 敲黑板!这些常用邮件缩写词,必须赶紧学起 …
TBC Helpdesk
These articles covers all the basics for our new students and users. 1. Logging into your TBC&GS Email for the first time. 2. Setting up Populi for the First Time. 3. Setting up a Recovery Email. …
TBC Helpdesk
The solution is simple, change the email address in your profile. Then you can receive the recovery email at any time. It's recommended that you do this immediately. 1. Go to …
Contact Us - TBC Bank
Write us on email: [email protected] Environmental and Social Queries and Concerns A person, community or other external stakeholder, such as a civil society organization, can …
TBC、TBA、N/A 意思|3大常見Email術語:是什麼意思?
2024年4月13日 · TBC 是一個常見的英文縮寫,它代表 “To Be Confirmed”,中文意思是「待確認」。 和 TBA 類似,當您在工作郵件中看到 TBC 時,它表明某些細節或事件的確定還有待最 …
Trinity Baptist College: A Christian College in Jacksonville, FL
2025年2月28日 · Strengthening students for service, purpose, and leadership. Trinity Baptist College was founded in 1974 by Trinity Baptist Church for the purpose of preparing students …