Grumman TBF Avenger - Wikipedia
The Grumman TBF Avenger (designated TBM [1] for aircraft manufactured by General Motors) is an American World War II-era torpedo bomber developed initially for the United States Navy and Marine Corps, and eventually used by several air and naval aviation services around the world.
TBF复仇者式鱼雷轰炸机 - 百度百科
TBF复仇者式(英文:TBF Avenger)为格鲁曼公司开发的舰上 鱼雷轰炸机,主要于 第二次世界大战 时期活跃于 太平洋战场 上。 其命名含义为:Torpedo Bomber(鱼雷轰炸机),F=Grumman(格鲁曼)。 [1] 1942年3月开始,因格鲁曼必须同时生产 F4F野猫式 与F6F地狱猫式战斗机,为了减低生产压力,便授权通用制造TBF,而通用生产的TBF则被称为TBM。 原本在美国海军的舰载机当中,以性能落后的TBD毁灭者式为主力 鱼雷轰炸机,于是1939年海军便 …
悲剧到奋起——二战美国海航鱼雷机型号辨别 - 哔哩哔哩
tbf-1c/tbm-1c 天线支架少往后移动且从后倾改为垂直,前射火力从机头的一门 .30 改为每边机翼上各一挺 .50 机枪,驾驶员后方的无线电员座椅则被换成了无线电,大部分会在翼下装一对 ASB 对海搜索雷达, TBM-1C 为通用汽车生产型号,基本没有区别
Grumman TBF/TBM Avenger - AirVectors
The TBF-1C entered production in the summer of 1943, with Eastern building it as the "TBM-1C". The enhanced armament proved particularly useful in suppressing defensive fire on naval targets. The TBF-1C was the last version of the Avenger actually manufactured by Grumman, with 764 built; in late 1943, Eastern took up all Avenger production so ...
Grumman TBF/TBM Avenger (1941) - Naval Aviation
The Grumman TBF Avenger is the well-remembered, massive WW2 US Navy torpedo bomber of the USN. It was also at the time the largest and heaviest single-engine aircraft of the war. It forged an enviable reputation as the main stick of the fleet carrier force in 1942-45, insturmental in the Pacific Campaign.
TBF Avenger Torpedo Bomber | World War II Database - WW2DB
The TBF Avenger torpedo bombers were introduced in 1942 to replace the TBD Devastator bombers. Designed by Leroy Grumman, these bombers held three crew members: a pilot, a turret gunner, and a radioman/bombardier/ventral gunner.
联合舰队的掘墓人——美国TBF“复仇者”鱼雷攻击机史话(下)_凤 …
1942年6月,中途岛海战爆发前夕,美军从VT-8鱼雷机中队中抽出了6架TBF-1型作为特遣队派驻中途岛,协助当地守军的防御。 在中途岛海战中,这6架TBF也跟随TBD鱼雷机一起从岛上机场起飞,攻击南云忠一中将率领的日本航母机动部队。 然而,此时美军飞行员对这种新型鱼雷机的操作还很生疏,在按照美军教条进入攻击航线前就被零战拦截,6机被击落5机。 剩下的一架TBF眼看毫无胜算,只得抛弃鱼雷返回中途岛。 在降落时一侧起落架还无法打开,只得迫降,水平尾翼被 …
老布什与复仇者的故事 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1944年9月2日,一位年轻的美国海军飞行员,钻进了一架tbm“复仇者”鱼雷攻击机的座舱里。 他按照海军航空学校教给他的知识,熟练地检查着座舱内的仪表,拉动操纵杆确认舵面正常。
Grumman TBF Avenger - Aircraft - Fighting the U-boats - uboat.net
The TBF-1C deleted the nose-mounted machine gun and, instead, mounted one 50 caliber weapon in each wing. This variant was plumbed to carry up to 391 gallons of additional fuel in auxiliary fuel tanks. Grumman built 764, while GM built 2,332 of their virtually identical TBM-1C.
General Motors TBM-1C Avenger - This Day in Aviation
2024年9月2日 · This was a licensed variant of the Grumman TBF-1C Avenger, built by the General Motors Corporation Eastern Aircraft Division at Linden, New Jersey. The Avenger was designed by Robert Leicester Hall, Chief Engineer and Test Pilot for the Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation, Bethpage, New York.