Toronto Catholic District School Board | Home
Provide excellence in Catholic education for the Toronto elementary and secondary school community.
Dress Code | Holy Spirit Catholic School - tcdsb.org
The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) has implemented a common dress code in all elementary schools. All TCDSB elementary Schools currently have the following …
About Us | St. Ambrose Catholic School
Our school crest incorporates the faith and character of our patron saint on a background of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) logo. St. Ambrose, a German scholar and …
Follow these two simple and fast steps to get school uniform ready: Access to sales and promotions. A detailed overview of your school's uniform. Details about where and how you …
多伦多天主教公立教育局 - 百度百科
多伦多天主教公立教育局(TCDSB)是加拿大安大略省国际教育局联盟的成员之一,和多伦多教育局、渥太华卡尔顿教育局、约克天主教区教育局、滑铁卢教育局等同属于安省国际教育联盟, …
2021年2月25日 · Initiated by the Bishop MacDonell Wild + Crest designs, other schools in our board started to volunteer to update their official marks. The next in line was St. Leo Catholic …
Father Henry Carr Catholic Secondary School - Wikipedia
Father Henry Carr Catholic Secondary School (also referred to as Father Henry Carr, Henry Carr, FHC, FHCCSS, or Carr) is a Catholic high school in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is …
When using the TCDSB logo, there should be a distinct space surrounding the logo where no text or images should overlap on top. The size of the space should be directly related to the size of …
About Us | Chaminade College School
Our school crest is the pictorial essay of our raison d'etre. "Fortes in Fide" - "Strong in Faith" is our school motto. We must have a deep faith in our Church and in our country. The Church is …
多伦多天主教公立教育局简介 – 加拿大多伦多新飞扬留学
2015年10月28日 · 多伦多天主教教育局(TCDSB)是加拿大安大略省国际教育局联盟的成员之一,和多伦多教育局、渥太华卡尔顿教育局、滑铁卢教育局等同属于安省国际教育联盟。