Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau
Request for Support. Let the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) support and facilitate your next Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions in Thailand.
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To facilitate both domestic and international event planners and organizers in delivering the best possible Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions in Thailand, the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) would like to extend a level of support to your event.
MICE城市 - Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
The Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau is the premier MICE organizer in Thailand with a wealth of experience in providing MICE solutions and promoting MICE venues in Thailand.
Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau – Providing MICE …
The Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau is the premier MICE organizer in Thailand with a wealth of experience in providing MICE solutions and promoting MICE venues in Thailand.
Mr. Sumate Sudasna, President of Thailand Incentive and Convention Association (TICA), remarked that “TICA’s membership spans the full range of incentive and convention suppliers who are professional and reliable partners convention planners can work with. TICA is a long-standing collaborator of TCEB and other stakeholders in Thailand’s meetings industry.
The TCEB Board of Directors. - Thailand Convention & Exhibition …
REDEFINING YOUR BUSINESS EVENTS Meet Management team - a group of dedicated experts who lead the organisation. With our business events community, we are keen to fulfil your event objectives and contribute to your success through unceasing support.
4-7 TCEB unvEils a piloT roadmap of miCE indusTry prEparEs To urgE ThE govErnmEnT To announCE iT as parT of ThE naTional agEnda 8-9 TCEB launChEs ‘BEliEvE in Thailand’ Campaign 2011
TCEB - Home - Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau
To facilitate both domestic and international event planners and organizers in delivering the best possible Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions in Thailand, the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) would like to extend a level of support to your event.
About Us - Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
Strategies Keeping up with global trends and market surveys, TCEB is armed with a 5-year Master Plan for the MICE industry, and a 20-year Strategy Master Plan. We have considered not only international and domestic developments, but also drafted our projections with research from reliable expert data banks.
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