HNF1B - Wikipedia
HNF1 homeobox B (hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 homeobox B), also known as HNF1B or transcription factor 2 (TCF2), is a human gene. HNF1B encodes hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 …
透明度和同意框架2.2(TCF 2.2) | GA小站 - ichdata.com
2020年6月10日 · TCF 的全称是 Transparency and Consent Framework,中文为 透明度和同意框架。 这是一套指南,行业标准框架,用于标准化和简化整个程序化广告行业中的媒体主、广 …
HNF1B Gene - GeneCards | HNF1B Protein | HNF1B Antibody
2024年12月25日 · HNF1B (HNF1 Homeobox B) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with HNF1B include Renal Cysts And Diabetes Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. …
IAB TCF 2.2:过渡到TCF 2.2 - uniconsent.com
2023年10月8日 · 为了应对不断发展的数据保护要求和期望,透明度与同意框架(TCF)指导小组已经批准了对该框架的更新。 最新版本TCF 2.2带来了重大变化,旨在更有效地与法规期望和 …
IAB TCF 2.0(Transparency and Consent Framework)简介 - CSDN …
2021年2月4日 · TCF 2.0是IAB Europe与Tech Lab合作推出的透明度和同意框架,旨在帮助互联网公司在处理个人数据时遵守GDPR和ePD。 它包括Global Vendor List、Consent String …
Entry - *189907 - HNF1 HOMEOBOX B; HNF1B - OMIM
Hepatocyte nuclear factor-1-beta (HNF1B), also known as transcription factor-2 (TCF2), is a member of the homeodomain-containing superfamily of transcription factors (Bach et al., …
Anomalies of the TCF2 gene are the main cause of fetal bilateral ...
TCF2 anomalies were associated with normal amniotic fluid volume and normal-sized kidneys between -2 and +2 SD in all patients except for two sisters. Antenatal cysts were detected in …
IAB TCF 2.2: 变动在哪里? - UniConsent
2023年5月2日 · IAB Tech Lab,与IAB Europe合作,将于2023年5月中旬发布IAB TCF 2.2。 这是IAB TCF 2.0/2.1的改进版本,并带来了一些变化和增强。 IAB TCF 2.2: 变动在哪里? 2023年5 …
TCF2 - transcription factor 2, hepatic; LF-B3; variant hepatic …
TCF2 encodes transcription factor 2, a liver-specific factor of the homeobox-containing basic helix-turn-helix family. The TCF2 protein is believed to form heterodimers with another liver …
IAB TCF 2.2: What You Need to Know | Resources - OneTrust
2024年3月7日 · TCF 2.2, the latest version of the framework, was released on May 16, 2023. TCF 2.2 includes changes designed to improve the transparency and control that users have over …