Taping for TFCC Wrist Injuries | Tim Keeley | Physio REHAB
#taping #sportstaping #TFCC #wristTaping Education Series No.2: TFCC Wrist InjuriesIf you're a Physio or a patient who has or had a TFCC injury - then this i...
How to tape TFCC - YouTube
2022年8月26日 · A demonstration on how to perform a self taping technique for a triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tear or irritation. This injury is often cause from falling on an outstretched hand.
Rehabilitation for TFCC Injury! - REHAB FOR A BETTER LIFE
2018年1月11日 · There are a various of therapeutic taping methods for TFCC injury, I will share the simplest way to support your ulnar wrist! The following taping technique is adapted from Kinesio Taping® Method .
Kinesiology tape wrist cartilage injury fixes
2019年8月9日 · kinesiology tape wrist cartilage injury fixes: TFCC taping. Another option for conservative treatment for kinesiology tape wrist cartilage injury fixes is elastic therapeutic taping. When applied appropriately, this modality can reduce pain and improve neurosensory feedback to heighten body awareness and motor control.
运动人群手腕疼痛?简谈TFCC损伤诊治及运动康复 - 知乎
临床上很常见手腕疼痛的患者,以腕管综合征、拇指肌腱炎及三角纤维环损伤多见,其中,运动人群以三角纤维环损伤(TFCC)伴下尺桡关节的脱位多见。 本文章主要对TFCC损伤作简要分析了解。 先来看一下腕关节的解剖结…
TFCC Injury and Hand Therapy | Hand Therapy Academy
2020年6月27日 · TFCC stands for triangular fibrocartilage complex. It contains a dense cartilage on the ulnar side of the wrist and binds the radius to the ulna (Morrison, 2019). So, what is the purpose of the TFCC?
三角纖維軟骨損傷 TFCC Injury|手腕疾病專欄|手外科醫師
三角纖維軟骨複合體 (TFCC) 是手腕的一個重要結構; TFCC連結橈骨和尺骨,由堅韌的纖維組織和軟骨組成,提供手腕的穩定性。 TFCC受傷時手腕會疼痛或出現不穩定症狀,同時伴隨活動受限。 造成TFCC受傷的原因包括:跌倒手撐地、提重物時扭傷、手腕骨折時合併損傷。 急性期可先嘗試保守治療如石膏固定患部,若沒有改善則需手術介入。 本團隊多年來鑽研微創腕關節鏡手術:透過2個小傷口即可完成韌帶修補,病患術後滿意度高。 什麼是三角纖維軟骨複合體? 三角纖維 …
手腕的黑盒子 ── 三角纖維軟骨複合體(TFCC)損傷 - 立澄診所
三角纖維軟骨複合體(triangular fibrocartilage complex, 以下均簡稱為 TFCC)損傷是手腕在靠小指那側(尺側)的疼痛最常見的原因。 因為它的結構較為複雜,且傳統治療的療效較差,因此被稱做手腕的黑盒子(black box)。 人體前臂的骨骼由橈骨和尺骨兩根骨頭組成,尺骨的長度在末端一般來說比橈骨要來的短,不像橈骨和手腕的小骨頭們有直接接觸而形成關節,因此在尺骨和手腕的小骨頭之間就有一些軟組織填塞在這個空間內,以彌補骨頭長度的差距。 這些軟組織就是 …
Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Injuries - Physiopedia
The triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) is a load-bearing structure between the lunate, triquetrum, and ulnar head. The function of the TFCC is to act as a stabilizer for the ulnar aspect of the wrist. The TFCC is at risk for either acute or chronic degenerative injury.
Physical Therapy Guide to Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tear
2018年2月12日 · Use a brace or taping. Athletes and manual laborers may benefit from specialized braces or taping. Your physical therapist can recommend what is best to treat your specific condition. Gradually increase any athletic activity, rather than suddenly increasing the activity amount or intensity.