TCL TV C825-4K QLED Mini LED Android TV 120 Hz MEMC-TCL …
TCL C825 TV features your family a wonderful performance with its strong, high-quality image and stunning smart TV applications. Click for more!
TCL QLED 65吋65C825 mini LED電視微開箱 - Mobile01
2021年11月7日 · 愛奇藝有標榜4K HDR或 DV 的電影或連續劇嗎? 一開始以為這是使用了幾小時的電視計時裝置,隔天確認是從我們開機後就開始計算的時間。 這個系統怎麼很多影音程式都無法找到? 系統太新的關係嗎? 在四周邊緣有另外貼膠帶固定嗎? 畫面四周的邊緣約有1-2mm的光源色差,不仔細看應該不會很明顯。 而且我一直以為我之前看這部都是在看4K畫質的,畢竟之前是在4K專區選出來看的。 感謝友人分享,終於可以觀看Disney +的漫威電影—黑寡婦。 為提供 …
發現最適合你的電視 - TCL
超高清內容通過量子點層,被超過10億個量子點納米晶體過濾,最新的高動態範圍增強了4K顯示幕的震撼力。 享受充滿活力、無可挑剔的畫質,並提高到業界領先的 100% 色域和亮度。 由於智慧晶片支援的演算法,MEMC(運動估計和運動補償)使影像處理如絲般流暢。 在低幀率動作視頻過程中增加運動補償的幀率,以提升到120-fps的顯示幀率。 移動速度和充滿力量感的場景看起來更清晰,沒有模糊或抖動。 無論動作有多激烈,都可以讓您得到更「流暢」的觀感。 憑住更大 …
TCL 8 Series 2019/Q825 QLED vs TCL R635 - RTINGS.com
The TCL 8 Series 2019/Q825 QLED and the TCL 6 Series/R635 2020 QLED are similarly performing TVs. That said, the 6 Series has more advanced features, like VRR support and eARC capability. It also has a lower input lag and a faster response …
TCL 8 Series 2019/Q825 QLED Review (65Q825, 75Q825)
2019年11月28日 · The TCL 8 Series 2019/Q825 QLED is a great 4k TV that performs well for most uses. It comes with Roku TV built-in, and it stands out among LED TVs thanks to its impressive HDR performance. Highlights pop as they should because of the TV's wide color gamut and high peak brightness in HDR.
TCL 2019 R825 vs TCL 2020 R635 : r/4kTV - Reddit
2020年8月16日 · My guess is that the 8 series will be better. I read that TCL did a firmware update a few months after the 8 series’ release to address some of the reported issues. However, it seems none of the YouTube reviewers went back to test post-update.
TCL C825 Mini LED 4K电视评测:绚丽的显示,强大的声音 - 知乎
TCL C825 4K 迷你 LED 安卓电视是一款功能丰富的电视,就高级电视而言,价格实惠。 我们评测的 55 英寸型号售价为 1,05,000 卢比,配备 Mini LED QLED 面板、高达 120Hz 的 MEMC、来自 Onkyo 的 50W 声音输出(包括 20W 低音炮、Android 11 操作系统等)。 TCL C825 Mini LED 4K 电视是索尼和 LG 优质 4K 电视的绝佳替代品。 TCL 电视几乎检查了所有盒子,因为它提供出色的图像质量、重低音和流畅的性能。 它的价格为 1,05,000 卢比,虽然不是最实惠的,但物有所 …
TCL 75" Class 8-Series 4K QLED Dolby Vision HDR Roku Smart TV …
TCL's 8-Series combines stunning 4K HDR and QLED technology in a bold, brushed metal design for a superior TV experience. The 8-Series features Quantum Dot technology for even more realistic colors and performance closer to the limits of human vision. Dolby Vision adds greater brightness and contrast, as well as a full palette of rich colors.
TCL 6 Series/R625 2019 vs TCL 8 Series 2019/Q825 QLED
The TCL 8 Series 2019/Q825 QLED is a bit better than the TCL 6 Series/R625 2019. The Q825 has better reflection handling and is more suitable for a room with a few extra lights, and thanks to its faster response time, fast-moving content has less blur.
TCL 2021 Android/Google TVs (P725/C725/C728/C825/X925)
2021年4月1日 · TCL C72+ Series combines Quantum Dot, 4K HDR Pro, 100Hz Motion Clarity Pro for superb and smooth 4K HDR picture quality. With Game Master Pro and all the latest HDR formats supported (including HDR10+, Dolby Vision, …