Analysis of TCR-induced SOS-, Vav-, and Grb-2-containing …
TCR cross-linking induced the tyrosine phosphorylation of membrane-bound Vav and its as- sociation with the ZAP-70 and CD3 phosphoproteins as well as Grb-2 and SOS in wild-type …
The Adaptor Protein Gads (Grb2-Related Adaptor Downstream of …
2000年8月1日 · Ligation of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) induces association of hSos1, ZAP-70, phospolipase C-γ1, and other phosphoproteins with Grb2 and the ζ-chain of the TCR.
Science背靠背丨相分离如何促进膜受体信号转导 - 知乎
结果发现,Grb2和SOS蛋白N端结构域是维持activationtime gamma分布的关键,两者通过影响SOS蛋白在膜上的驻留时间(dwell time)而维持限速步骤的存在,其具体机制则正是相分离。
Constitutive activation of the Ras/MAP kinase pathway and enhanced TCR ...
2000年3月16日 · Membrane targeted Shc was phosphorylated on tyrosine residues and bound Grb-2/Sos in the absence of TCR engagement. Furthermore, expression of membrane …
Adaptors and Molecular Scaffolds in Immune Cell Signaling
1999年1月8日 · Ubiquitous adaptors Grb-2, Nck, CRKL, and c-Cbl influence immune cells signaling in binding to LAT, SLP-76, or ZAP-70/SYK. They also bind to each other in the …
ZAP-70 Is Essential for the T Cell Antigen Receptor-induced …
2000年2月25日 · Using ZAP-70-deficient Jurkat T cells, we found that ZAP-70 is essential for the constitutive and TCR-induced membrane targeting of SOS and Vav as well as the formation of …
Recruitment of SOS proximal to Ras in the plasma mem-brane is an essential step for Ras activation in T cells (13, 19), and plasma membrane-targeted SOS derivatives activate com …
A complex of Grb2 adaptor protein, Sos exchange factor, and a 36 …
1994年4月1日 · Taken together these data suggest that activation of Ras in T cells via the TCR.CD3 complex might be controlled, at least in part, by mechanisms similar to those found …
Growth Factor Receptor Bound Protein 2 - ScienceDirect
The formation of p36–GRB-2–SOS complexes is a rapid response to TCR ligation that correlates well with p21 ras regulation. The failure to find tyrosine-phosphorylated SHC binding to GRB-2 …
An adapter function for SOS in oligomeric LAT clusters? Grb2-SOS ...
Grb2-SOS complexes can serve as a cytosolic linkers and aggregate multiple LAT molecules and LAT signalosome-constituent proteins together. This SOS-containing complex may facilitate...