Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
In light of TCV composition, the trunk of the TCV can be considered a mixed-origin vein, maximally receiving both a quasisystemic or emissarylike vessel (rostral branch) that does not originate from endocranial dural vessels, and a true emissarial vessel (caudal branch) that does.
Transverse canal foramen and pericarotid venous network in …
In light of TCV composition, the trunk of the TCV can be considered a mixed-origin vein, maximally receiving both a quasisystemic or emissarylike vessel (rostral branch) that does not originate from endocranial dural vessels, and a true emissarial vessel (caudal branch) that does.
Transverse Canal Foramen and Pericarotid Venous Network in
The trunk of the TCV is the simplest to describe: it is the portion that departs the mesocranium via the TCF and enters the pharyngeal region where it immediately anastomoses with local tributaries of the external jugular vein (EJV), especially the pterygoid venous plexus (PVP) . Inside the mesocranium the trunk may receive one or two ...
TBV型跟TCV型类似,都适用于中压条件下使用,TCN型为了缩小压力引起的变形而将保持器做成一体型的耐压油封,适于在高压条件下的使用。 第三耐压能力不同,TCV跟TBV的耐压能力在0.5Mpa以下,而TCN型耐压油封的耐压能力在0.1Mpa以内。 NBR丁腈橡胶由丁二烯和丙烯腈经乳液制成,具有出色的耐矿物油、耐磨性的特点且耐热性好,粘接力强。 因此在耐压油封中使用的最多。 但丁腈胶密封圈也有缺点,是不耐高温,且不能用于酮类及脂类等极性溶剂中,一 …
Jugulo-subclavian venous confluence (anterolateral view). Junction ...
The facial vein had a communicating branch with the internal jugular vein and distally drained into the jugulo-subclavian confluence via a common trunk with external...
A. Cartoon of pericarotid venous network (PCVN) in a hypothetical ...
... trunk of the TCV is the simplest to describe: it is the portion that departs the mesocranium via the TCF and enters the pharyngeal region where it immediately anastomoses with local...
Orange Tree Fibrous Root Length Distribution in Space and Time
2007年3月1日 · Tree canopy volume (TCV) and trunk cross-sectional areas (TCSA) of each tree were estimated to compare root length density with a measure of tree size. Canopy diameter of each tree was measured 1.5 m above the ground within and across the row.
陶瓷穿孔三维互连(TCV)技术研究 - 百度文库
叠 层而形成垂直互连 的二 维微波多芯片组件 。 介绍 了陶瓷穿孑 L 互连技 术 ( 简称T C V)的概念和结构 ,对关 键工. 艺技 术进行解析 ,并通过 没计试制 出T C V 集成 开关 微模块工艺样件 。 T C V 作为高密度微 化互 连封装技 术将 为. 微系统设计 和I P 核设计提供新 的实现 手段 。 p a c k a g i n g s y s t e m i n t h e d e s i g n o f mi c r o s y s t e ms a n d I P c o r e ..
The TCV draining into the common trunk of the EJV and the FV.
Download scientific diagram | The TCV draining into the common trunk of the EJV and the FV. AJV: anterior jugular vein; BCV: brachiocephalic vein; DSV: dorsal scapular vein; FV: facial vein; IJV ...
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