Multiple model numbers may indicate different products, different components within the products or both. This document also may not show all models included in the listing. 2M WH PET TCY/SP4200, 2M MAT CH PET TCY/S8020, 1M CL PET TR (N)/S8020, click for suitable additional... More. Need More Information?
Temperature PI control for HVAC systems. Up to 2 modulating outputs for DC 0–10 V with 10 mV resolution. control loop. It may use up to 2 PI sequences. The TCY-MT features one internal NTC temperature sensor, up to two. external sensor inputs and up to two analog outputs. The configuration has been reduced to a minimum to allow for.
MH20558 for AVERY DENNISON (CHINA) CO LTD | UL Solutions
Return to results :: Keyword: "2m mat ch pet tcy" Printing Materials - Component. UL Certified. DOCUMENT: PGJI2.MH20558 ... 2M WH PET2 TC3/S-8005, 2M WH PET2 TC3/S-333 3 Mil Synthetic Paper 2/S333 3 Mil Synthetic Paper/DS128S, ...
Printing Materials MH26285 - UL
unprinted stock dsg: 2M WH PET TCY/SP4200 Pressure-sensitive systems Suitable for additional printing with one or more of the following inks (in the black color unless otherwise indicated):
S8020은 아크릴계 에멀전 타입의 영구형 점착제로 표면에너지가 낮은 피착면에도 높은 점착력을 보입니다. 투명도와 응집력이 높고 점착제 흐름이 적은 특성을 가져, 필름 표면지와 함께 PE, PP용기 등의 적용에도 활용되고. 우수합니다. 일반 실링 및 로터리 레터 프레스 인쇄에 적합하며, 인쇄 시 필름 전용 UV잉크를 사용하시기 바랍니다. 바코드 인쇄 시 레진 타입의 리본 사용을 추천하며, 적성을 사전에 점검하신 후 사용하시기 바랍니다. 필름의 인쇄 표면은 외부 마찰에 민감하므로 접촉으로 …
VECTOR伟拓 TCY-MT2 比例积分温度控制器 温控面板 模拟量温控 …
TCY-MT是一个带有温度控制回路独立的智能通用控制器. 每个控. 制回路可以应用2个PI控制. 内置 NTC 温度传感器, 外接两个温. 度输入. 配置已减少到最低限度,多种用法的控制.更多的使用控. …
TCY 的应用开发现状 - 道客巴巴
2016年12月19日 · 认为 tcy 是一种多功能的精细化工材料, 还有可能在过渡金属(重金属)离子的分离与富集及环氧树脂等耐热聚合物的交联固化等方面得到重大应用。
Product name - 2M WHT PET TCY/ SP4200/ GB C. Manufacturer/ Supplier /Distributer Information : 2M WHT PET TCY/ SP4200/ GB B. Suggestion and restriction in use : No Information Found No Information Found A. Hazard classification Composition Chemical CAS' No Weight(%) Polyethylene Terephthalate 25038-59-9 50 > Proprietary - - TiO2 13463-67-7 3>
2013年3月13日 · Fasson® 2M White Polyester TC is a homogeneously pigmented white facestock featuring excellent tear strength, heat resistance, dimensional stability, opacity and chemical resistance. Designed for printing with most solvent, UV cured and some water-based flexographic inks.
MH26285 for AVERY DENNISON KOREA LTD | UL Solutions - UL …
2m wh pet tcy/sp4200 2m cl pet tciii/s-8005, 2m cl pet tc3/s-8005 2m mat ch pet tc3/s8001 2m mat ch pet tcy/s8020 clpet16tcy/s8020d 2m wh pet tc/s-800 2m wht pet tc3/s8001 1m cl pet tr(n) ...