TDS5000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes - Datasheet
The TDS5000 Series digital phosphor oscilloscopes (DPO) deliver up to 1 GHz bandwidth, 5 GS/s real-time sample rate, 8 MB record length and 100,000 wfms/s maximum waveform capture rate.
S5000 TD - Schulz
S5000 TD. The Diesel Generator S5000 TD ensures power with comfort and safety where there is no electricity available. With a three-phase socket, it is indicated for small business, such as restaurants, toolrooms and marinas, in building and rural areas, with compressors, water pumps and other equipment.
Schulz S5000 TD Power Generator Manual | Manualzz
Schulz S5000 TD is a triphasic diesel generator that provides reliable power for various applications. It's designed for both off-grid and backup power needs, offering a powerful and efficient energy solution.
TDS5000B 系列快速启动用户手册 iii 在多个区域中缩放 ...
本產品是透過電源線的接地導線間接與地面連接。 為了避免電擊,接地導線必須連接到地面。 在與產品的輸入與輸出端子連接之前,請確定產品已正確地接地。 觀察所有的端子功率。 為了避免 …
TDS5000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope Datasheet
Fast waveform capture rate, enabled by Tektronix proprietary DPX acquisition technology, maximizes the probability of capturing elusive glitches and other infrequent events.
MyScope: MyScope control windows are created using a simple, visual drag-and-drop process. MyScope: Once created, they are just like other control windows in the instrument and are …
TDS5000 Series Reference | Tektronix
2001年9月4日 · 我们提供专业的测量洞见信息,旨在帮助您提高绩效以及将各种可能性转化为现实。 泰克设计和制造能够帮助您测试和测量各种解决方案,从而突破复杂性的层层壁垒,加快您的全局创新步伐。 This document is targeted to product users and explains operation and/or installation procedures. It may also provide information about features and functions, applications and troubleshooting.
致敬经典!final 50周年新品首秀S4000&S5000实力如何?
S5000 夕晕铜 & S4000 皓月钢是final五十周年最新亮相的产品,无论是产品的命名方式还是外观设计都继承了final一贯的风格。 S5000 夕晕铜 在整体调音上致敬了 Piano Forte XCC铭琴系列,外部腔体运用黄铜磨砂工艺,充分利用其声学特性赋予耳塞优雅的音色,更加适合 ...
tds5000series digital phosphor oscilloscopes | Tektronix