TD04HL vs TD04L?? Any difference? - Subaru Forester Owners Forum
2015年1月29日 · The info I've been reading on the TD04 series of turbos shows the TD04 having the smallest hot side, the L being slightly larger, and the HL being nearly the size of a VF39. I believe my 06 FXT has a TD04L-13T, so mid-size hot side, and tiny cold side. There was a JDM turbo I read about, TD04HL-15T, came on some 2.0 WRXs.
TD04L-13T-6 Vs TD04HL- - NASIOC
2007年3月15日 · The reason why I'm thinking this may be a 14T-6 is that the MHI turbo for the 97-00 V40/S40 uses the same compressor assembly number, 06000, that is present on this turbo. The difference on the volvo turbo is that it uses the same hot side, 49377, as our TD04L-13T-6 and is thus a TD04L-14T-6.
TD04 replacement: Arashi Dynamics TD04H-19T Review
2014年1月13日 · TD04L-13T vs. TD04H-19T vs. VF39: Since I wasn’t going to tune the turbo I had to swap out the wastegate actuator. It came with a 1 BAR unit but since I am sticking with stock boost levels I just pulled the OEM one off the dead TD04 and it went on with no problems.
Instructions on how to rebuild the TD04. - NASIOC
2007年1月21日 · I cannot find a rebuild kit for the TD04L. The compressor wheels has a raised back and they sent me the rebuild kit for one that has the flat back. So I am still trying to find the correct rebuild parts. However, you can keep the balance if you mark it before you put it back together so the compressor and turbine are clocked just like you left it.
Stock WRX turbo compressor map (finally!!!) - NASIOC
2006年4月22日 · After many, many years of looking for the TD04L-13T turbo compressor map, the Nabisco user Elwood found it and I am hosting it for all to look at. Download/view it via THIS LINK. This link is in .tif format. Or via THIS LINK. This link is in .jpg format. Thanks to Nabisco user UkNuck for converting the tif to jpg!
TD04 13T to 19T - Subaru Forester Owners Forum
2012年11月13日 · hey, ive been looking into a replacement turbo for my foz, i found this on ebay and just wanted to know if anyone had purchased it? does it bolt straight up or would further modifications to my 13T be needed? Is it a worth while upgrade? Turbo Upgrade CHRA Kit SUBARU WRX Forester TD04L-19T...
Max power out of a td04? - NASIOC
2015年3月25日 · td04l-13t 6cm stock rebuilt full exhaust maybe header tgv delete if its whats its cracked up to be fuel pump and injector tune im aming for around 240whp 240ftlbs on a dynapack dyno with e85. so stock older sti range with a better graph. the area under the curve with the td04 6cm is amazing.
TD04L specs/fitment -- Difference between '04-05 vs. '06-07 turbo ...
2016年2月16日 · Need to know what difference (if any) exists between TD04L turbochargers??? Found plenty of info on aftermarket turbos, upgrades, etc. but can't find a thread dedicated to specs of the TD04L's. Is part #14412AA560 ('06-07) the same as part #14412AA451 ('04-05)? Fitment, capacity, internal components, inlet dimensions, so on and so on...
td04 best daily driver turbo | Subaru Forester Owners Forum
2016年10月2日 · Nothing wrong with the TD04, as long as you understand and accept its characteristics. When I ripped mine out for a VF39, the later/higher spool-up was definitely noticeable, and the car was actually a little slower off the line until you got the revs up high enough to where the TD04 would've puttered out.
TD04L Inlet Outer Diameter? - NASIOC
2009年12月14日 · TD04L Inlet Outer Diameter? Factory 2.0L Turbo Powertrain (EJ Series Factory 2.0L Turbo)