The TDA8950 is a high-efficiency Class D audio power amplifier. The typical output power is 2 · 150 W with a speaker load impedance of 4 W. 2. Features. The TDA8950 is available in both HSOP24 and DBS23P power packages. The amplifier operates over a wide supply voltage range from –12.5 V to –40 V and features low quiescent current consumption. 3.
2 x 150 W D类功率放大器 | NXP 半导体
2020年7月23日 · TDA8950是高效率D类音频功率放大器。 扬声器负载阻抗为4Ω的典型输出功率为2 x 150 W。 TDA8950采用HSOP24和DBS23P这两种功率封装。 该放大器在+-12.5 V至+-40 V的宽电源电压范围下工作,具有低静态电流消耗。
TDA8950 | 2 x 150 W Class-D Power Amplifier | NXP …
The TDA8950 is a high-efficiency Class D audio power amplifier. The typical output power is 2 x 150 W with a speaker load impedance of 4 Ω. The TDA8950 is available in both HSOP24 and DBS23P power packages. The amplifier operates over a wide supply voltage range from +-12.5 V to +-40 V and features low quiescent current consumption.
TDA8950 Datasheet (PDF) - NXP Semiconductors
General description The TDA8950 is a high efficiency class-D audio power amplifier. The typical output power is 2 ×150 W with a speaker load impedance of 4Ω. The TDA8950 is available in the HSOP24 power package and DBS23P power package.
TDA8950J/N1,112_NXP (恩智浦)_TDA8950J/N1,112中文资料_PDF …
TDA8950J/N1,112价格参考¥107.4。 下载TDA8950J/N1,112中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有音频功率放大器详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
初品TDA8950数字功放 - 〓发烧音响专区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2014年9月15日 · 基于对新事物的好奇,加之被无数广告撩拨的心痒难耐,决定买一块数字功放散件板尝尝鲜,首先功率要2*70瓦或更多,这样可以拖原来的惠威S8书架箱,其次是200元以下浅尝辄止的价位,上当也不至于太肉疼,符合这要求的有TDA7498,TDA8920,TDA8950,7498是单电源还得现做变压器,而8920/8950可以用双27伏以下变压器,手头有旧功放拆机的,正好用上,另外还要有喇叭保护电路,阻容件都要常规件不要贴片件,以备更换方便,经过一番遴选,仅剩深 …
2008年10月20日 · 恩智浦半导体 (NXP Semiconductors)近日推出业界首个适合于单层电路板使用的高集成立体声class-D放大器TDA8950——可以为小巧轻薄的音响系统带来更大输出功率、更优秀的音质。
The TDA8950 is a high efficiency class-D audio power amplifier. The typical output power is 2 · 150 W with a speaker load impedance of 4 W. 2. Features. The TDA8950 is available in the HSOP24 power package and DBS23P power package. The amplifier operates over a wide supply voltage range from consumes a low quiescent current. 3. Applications. 4.
TDA8950J/N1,112 NXP USA Inc. | 集成电路(IC) | DigiKey
来自 NXP USA Inc. 的 TDA8950J/N1,112 – 放大器 IC 1-通道(单声道)或 2-通道(立体声) D 类 DBS23P。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
TDA8950J Datasheet (PDF) - NXP Semiconductors
Part #: TDA8950J. Download. File Size: 242Kbytes. Page: 39 Pages. Description: 2 쨈 150 W class-D power amplifier. Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors.
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