TDA1524 Datasheet (PDF) - NXP Semiconductors
The device is designed as an active stereo-tone/volume control for car radios, TV receivers and mains-fed equipment. It includes functions for bass and treble control, volume control with built-in contour (can be switched off) and balance. All these functions can be controlled by d.c. voltages or by single linear potentiometers.
TDA1524 恩智浦-NXP_PDF_数据手册_Datasheet_规格书_恩智浦 …
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TDA1524 datasheet(2/16 Pages) PHILIPS
The device is designed as an active stereo-tone/volume control for car radios, TV receivers and mains-fed equipment. It includes functions for bass and treble control, volume control with built-in contour (can be switched off) and balance. All these functions can be controlled by d.c. voltages or by single linear potentiometers.
Tone control TDA1524 - Kit-Amp
Volume, balance and tone control on a specialized chip TDA1524A. The TDA1524A chip is a two-channel (stereo) electronic volume, balance and timbre control for bass and treble. The timbre unit has frequency compensation (loudnes), which equalizes the low and high frequencies by ear at low volume levels.
基于TDA1524的带音调控制的立体声前置放大器电路 - EEWorld
2024年3月8日 · 这是使用菲利普斯的ic tda1524进行音调控制的出色立体声前置放大器的电路图。该 ic 只需极少的外部元件,噪声非常低,电源电压范围很宽。potsr1至r4分别可用于控制音量,平衡,低音和高音。led 为 d1 是电源接通指示灯,r1o 是其限流电阻。 电路图. 笔记
TDA1524A/V4,112 NXP Semiconductors | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
3 天之前 · TDA1524A/V4,112 NXP Semiconductors Audio Amplifiers STEREO TONE/VOLUME CTRL datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
The device is designed as an active stereo-tone/volume control for car radios, TV receivers and mains-fed equipment. It includes functions for bass and treble control, volume control with built-in contour (can be switched off) and balance. All these functions can be controlled by d.c. voltages or by single linear potentiometers.
TDA1524的应用电路–电路图–电子工程世界 - eeworld.com.cn
tdals24与lm1036属于同一类型的产品,仅在部分参数有所不同,tda1524的最 大输出电压高达3v,输入电压为2.5v,比lm1036要高o只是tda1524的噪声较高, 在最大增益时可达310∥。 tda1524为双列直插18脚封装,其应用电路如图4-29所示。
TDA1524A参数_中文资料_NXP - 百芯EMA
TDA1524A NXP 中文资料PDF, 共 (16)页, TDA1524A参数资料, 立体音/音量控制电路 Stereo-tone/volume control circuit。
TDA1524 Stereo-Tone & Volume Control Circuit
The TDA1524A IC is designed as an active stereo control for Television receivers, mains-fed devices, vehicle radios, etc. It has controls for balancing, built-in volume control with contour, bass, and treble adjustment, and other features. Single linear potentiometers or d.c. voltages can both be used to regulate each of these functions.
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