TDA7088 Datasheet (PDF) - NXP Semiconductors
Part #: TDA7088. Download. File Size: 159Kbytes. Page: 16 Pages. Description: FM receiver circuit for battery supply. Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors.
TDA7088+TA7642 AM/FM超外差收音机电路图
2019年3月13日 · 刚发现一个tda7088+ta7642 am/fm收音机电路,am部分看起来象是超外差的。ta7642被用做中放。有大师分析一下吗。图中有几个元件的参数不明确,比如双联可变电容是amfm共用 ... tda7088+ta7642 am/fm超外差收音机电路图 ,矿石收音机论坛
TDA7088T and CD9088CB - Peter Vis
Comparing the pinouts of the TDA7088T and CD9088CB, we can see that both ICs are in fact identical, and when I compared the working circuit diagrams, they too were identical with the same component values. The only difference was that the Chinese clone has documentation in Chinese and they have changed the names of the pins slightly.
TDA7088 Datasheet (PDF) - Unisonic Technologies
The UTC TDA7088 is a bipolar integrated circuit for use in mono portable and pocket radios. It is used when a minimum of peripheral components (of small dimensions and low costs) is important. The circuit contains a frequency-lockedloop (FLL) system with an Intermediate Frequency (IF) of about 70kHz. Selectivity is achieved by active RC-filters.
TDA7088 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT www.unisonic.com.tw 1 of 8 Copyright © 2012 Unisonic Technologies Co., LTD QW-R110-016,b FM RECEIVER CIRCUIT FOR BATTERY SUPPLY DESCRIPTION The UTC TDA7088 is a FM receiver circuit for battery supply, it is generally used in, Mechanical tuning, Search tuning and AM application, etc. FEATURES
TDA7088 FM自动选台调谐收音机电路,TDA7088 FM radio
2018年5月4日 · 本文介绍的袖珍FM电脑选台收音机采用飞利浦公司开发生产的TDA7088T集成块,采用16脚双列扁平封装,工作电压为3V,该电路除包含FM收音机从天线接收到鉴频输出音频信号的全部功能外,还设有搜索调谐电路、信号检测电路、静噪电路以及压缩中频频偏的频率锁定环FLL电路。 TDA7088T电路的中频频率设计为70kHz,外围电路不用中频变压器,其中频选择由电路内部RC中频滤波器来完成。 该机像数字调谐收音机那样采用电调谐按钮 (RUN),另一只是 …
The UTC TDA7088 is a bipolar integrated circuit for use in. mono portable and pocket radios. It is used when a minimum of peripheral components (of small dimensions and low costs) is important. The circuit contains a frequency-locked-loop(FLL) system with an Intermediate Frequency (IF) of about 70kHz. Selectivity is achieved by active RC-filters.
TDA7088T Datasheet (PDF) - NXP Semiconductors
Part #: TDA7088T. Download. File Size: 159Kbytes. Page: 16 Pages. Description: FM receiver circuit for battery supply. Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors.
TDA7088 友顺-UTC_PDF_数据手册_Datasheet_规格书_友顺-UTC产 …
半导小芯为您提供 TDA7088 友顺-UTC 的资料查询:友顺-UTC数据手册查询,友顺-UTC规格书查询,友顺-UTC datasheet查询,友顺-UTC IC查询、半导体查询、友顺-UTC芯片查询、友顺-UTC替代型号查询、友顺-UTC产品、友顺-UTC应用等相关信息,帮您快速找到TDA7088的数据手 …
FM Radio Receiver using TDA7088 - Electronics DIY
Performance is the same as the TDA7000 IC in terms of sensitivity and sound quality. However, the TDA7088 has the mute permanently enabled so some weaker stations that could otherwise be received with a TDA7000 or TDA7010T cannot be received on the TDA7088T.