TDA7250 Datasheet (PDF) - STMicroelectronics
The TDA7250 stereo audio driver is designed to drive two pair of complementary output transistor in the Hi-Fi power amplifiers. .WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE : 20 TO 90 V (±10 to±45 V) .VERY LOW DISTORTION
LOW POWER CONSUMPTION OUTPUT POWER 60 W/8 Ω AND 100 W/4 Ω DESCRIPTION The TDA7250 stereo audio driver is designed to drive two pair of complementary output transistor in the Hi-Fi power amplifiers. DIP20 ORDERING NUMBER : TDA7250. APPLICATION CIRCUIT. ® 1/11. Obsolete Product(s) - Obsolete Product(s) Obsolete Product(s) - Obsolete Product(s) .
TDA7250 STMicroelectronics - Mouser
2025年3月16日 · TDA7250 STMicroelectronics Audio DSPs 60W Dual Audio Drvr datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
TDA7250 Datasheet, amplifier equivalent, ST Microelectronics
TDA7250 Description. The TDA7250 stereo audio driver is designed to drive two pair of complementary output transistor in the Hi-Fi power amplifiers. APPLI.
基于TDA7250的100W功率放大器制作 - 电子发烧友网
2011年4月15日 · TDA7250为SGS-THOMSON 公司 出品的一款功放 驱动 IC,它的特性如下: 外围电路简单,制作方便; 支持电压范围宽:2V-90V (±10V-±45V); 具有不需要温度补偿的零漂 控制电路; 功率晶体管过流保护; 静噪/待机功能; 耗电量少; 低谐波失真:PO=40W、fo=1KHz时谐波失真=0.004% 输出功率60W/8Ω、100W/4Ω。 以下是应用电路图: 从以上电路可以看出TDA7250的过流保护原理是 检测 电阻 R11、R12、R13、R14的电压。 当晶体管的过流时,根据U=I·R,得 …
TDA7250 STMicroelectronics | Mouser - 贸泽
TDA7250 STMicroelectronics 音频 DSP 60W Dual Audio Drvr 数据表, 库存, 价格.
TDA7250 datasheet - 60W Hi-fi Dual Audio Driver - DigChip
Negative Voltage Sense Input for Overload Protection and for Automatic Quiescent Current Control. This capacitor works as an integrator, to control the quiescent current to output devices in no-signal conditions on channel 2. If the voltage at its terminals drops under 250 mV, it also resets the device from high-impedance state of output stages.
2009年6月7日 · tda7250为sgs-thomson公司出品的一款功放驱动ic,它的特性如下: ·外围电路简单,制作方便; ·支持电压范围宽:2v-90v(±10v-±45v); ·具有不需要温度补偿的零漂控制电路; ·功率晶体管过流保护; ·静噪/待机功能; ·耗电量少;
TDA7250 Datasheet (PDF) Download - STMicroelectronics
Download TDA7250 Datasheet. File Size: 135.76 Kbytes. Part #: TDA7250. Description: 6W AUDIO AMPLIFIER WITH STAND-BY. Manufacturer: STMicroelectronics.
TDA7250 数据表 (PDF) - STMicroelectronics - alldatasheetcn.com
The TDA7250 stereo audio driver is designed to drive two pair of complementary output transistor in the Hi-Fi power amplifiers. .WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE : 20 TO 90 V (±10 to±45 V) .VERY LOW DISTORTION