Crystal structure of PXY-TDIF complex reveals a conserved …
2016年4月8日 · Here we report the crystal structure of TDIF in complex with its receptor PXY, a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase (LRR-RK). Our structure reveals that TDIF mainly adopts an “Ω”-like...
TDIF peptide signaling regulates vascular stem cell proliferation …
In these tissues, cell-cell signaling, mediated by a ligand-receptor pair made of the TDIF (for tracheary element differentiation inhibitory factor) peptide and the TDR/PXY (for TDIF RECEPTOR/ PHLOEM INTERCALATED WITH XYLEM) membrane protein kinase, promotes proliferation of procambial cells and suppresses their xylem differentiation.
A brief history of the TDIF‐PXY signalling module: balancing …
2015年9月28日 · The loss of vascular organization in pxy mutants, increases in cell division in the procambium of CLE41 and CLE42 overexpression lines, and changes to xylem differentiation in both cell culture and plant lines led to hypotheses suggesting that TDIF and PXY represent a multifunctional signalling module with complex outputs.
Identification of stem cell factors downstream of TDIF-PXY
2024年11月7日 · By sequestrating the phloem-originated TDIF, xylem-expressed PXY confines the TDIF signaling front, resulting in the activation of CAIL expression and stem cell identity in only a narrow domain. Our findings show how signals emanating from cells on opposing sides ensure robust yet dynamically adjustable positioning of a bifacial stem cell layer.
SERK Family Receptor-like Kinases Function as Co-receptors with PXY …
2016年10月10日 · Here we show that SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR KINASEs (SERKs) serve as co-receptors in CLE41/TDIF-PXY signaling to regulate plant vascular development. TDIF induces interaction of its receptor PXY with SERKs in vitro and in vivo.
北京大学生命科学学院 - pku.edu.cn
生命科学学院瞿礼嘉课题组与清华大学柴继杰课题组合作,首先解析了TDIF及其受体PXY/TDR复合物晶体结构。 与之前报道的线性肽采取的完全伸展的构象不一样的是,TDIF结合受体时处于一种“Ω”构象 (图一A)。 保守的PxGPNP基序在这个“Ω”构象中起到关键作用。...
Light regulates xylem cell differentiation via PIF in
2022年7月19日 · TDIF, encoded by CLE41 and CLE44, activates PXY/TDR receptors to maintain proliferative cambium. Light and water are necessary for photosynthesis; thus, vascular differentiation must occur upon light perception to facilitate the transport of water and minerals to the photosynthetic tissues.
A membrane‐associated NAC domain transcription factor XVP interacts ...
2019年10月29日 · The TDIF receptor also is named Phloem intercalated with Xylem (PXY), describing the phenotype of the pxy mutant that showed disrupt vascular patterning (Fisher & Turner, 2007). In addition to the aberrant organization of xylem and phloem, mutation of PXY also resulted in a loss of vascular stem cells and enhanced xylem differentiation ...
The TDIF signaling network - ScienceDirect
2015年12月1日 · TDIF and its receptor TDIF RECEPTOR (TDR)/PHLOEM INTERCALATED WITH XYLEM (PXY) play crucial roles in vascular meristem maintenance by promoting cell proliferation and inhibiting xylem cell differentiation in vascular stem cells (procambial/cambial cells) [10, 11, 12].
Crystal structure of PXY-TDIF complex reveals a conserved …
Here we report the crystal structure of TDIF in complex with its receptor PXY, a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase (LRR-RK). Our structure reveals that TDIF mainly adopts an "Ω"-like conformation binding to the inner surface of the LRR domain of PXY.