TDK B-60 Cassette - Tapeheads.net
2012年5月15日 · While the cassette is very lightweight - I have placed them alongside 2000s-era TDK D C-60s, the TDK B cassette pack is very smooth, the mechanism is decent, there's no particularly noticeable dropouts, and the performance is similar to the 2000s-era TDK D tapes.
Documenting The Rare Real 1990 TDK B | Tapeheads.net
2023年11月14日 · So picked up a big lot of real TDK B 60's from 1990. I had found 3 of them lose on ebay at first and bought them out of curiosity as I had never seen them...
TDK B 60 (1992) – Tapekiosk
Brand: TDK; Model: B; Type: Normal – I; Length: 60 min; Release year: 1992; Made in Thailand
TDK B-60 Normal Position Type I Brilliant Cassette - eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for TDK B-60 Normal Position Type I Brilliant Cassette at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
TDK B 60 Blank Audio Cassette Tape Type I Normal Position …
2023年2月19日 · TDK Brilliant B 60 Blank Audio Cassette Tape, Type I Normal Position. This is a real TDK B tape and is not a Chinese fake. Tape made in Japan, cassette assembled in Thailand 1992. Most of the cassettes were made in the 80's, 90's and early 2000's.
2 Pack TDK B-60 Normal Position Type I Brilliant Audio Cassette
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2 Pack TDK B-60 Normal Position Type I Brilliant Audio Cassette Tapes at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
TDK B-60 Cassette | Page 2 | Tapeheads.net
2012年5月15日 · Genuine TDK B, similar to the various other permutations of TDK ferric-oxide cassettes, is the kind of tape which benefits the most from Dolby HX Professional and from automated Bias-EQ-Sensitivity or "Compu-Bias" calibration schemes. I've recorded some more favorite CD albums using these TDK B C-60s and am quite impressed.
TDK B-60 BRILLIANT CASSETTE TYPE 1 60mins錄音帶/ 磁帶/ 盒帶
HK$40 | TDK Life on Record B-60 Brilliant Cassette Blank Tapes 60 Mins DURABLE TAPE RESISTS STRETCHING 可在火炭/九龍塘站交收 亦可順豐到付,平郵$8
TDK B-60 Cassette Tape Blank Recording Dubbing 60 Minutes
2025年3月14日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for TDK B-60 Cassette Tape Blank Recording Dubbing 60 Minutes Vintage Audio Record at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for X4 TDK B-60 / BRILLIANT / 60 MINS / TYPE 1 / RECORDABLE BLANK CASSETTE TAPE NEW! at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!