The Mystery of the TDK CDing I - Tapeheads.net
2020年4月26日 · The CDing II is not rock-bottom basic, it's just low-grade SA as far as I know. It sounds great if properly calibrated and it's one of the most silent tapes I have (Tasuke's version at least). It's bias noise is very close to the SA-X.
Cassette tape measurements: TDK SA, SF, CDing II - Blogger
TDK solved these problems by offering SA, a cobalt-doped ferric tape optimised for chrome-underbiasing decks. You may want to read this tape review from 1976 for more background. (Cobalt doping existed before, see some Scotch cassettes and the Maxell UD-XL, but now it was for the first time pushed into the high bias slot.)
CDing - Wikipedia
CDing(シーディング)とは、かつてTDKが1990年(平成2年)8月から2007年(平成19年)12月まで製造・販売、およびイメーション(現:韓オージン社)がTDK Life on Recordブランドとして2008年(平成20年)1月から2011年(平成23年)8月まで製造、同年12月まで販売してい ...
2023年5月21日 · 这是TDK所有一类带里面的至尊王者,使用了Avilny磁性材料,并做了深度优化,提高了矫顽力和残余磁化量,让一类带也有从低音到高音的全频优良音乐表现。
1993 TDK CDing II C90 Audio Cassette - Tape Tardis
2012年3月8日 · Everyone would have different cassette decks or recorders, and this would inevitably colour the transfer of sound in different ways. Compact discs were burned with digital information – which would always remain constant. Conversely, the process of recording onto analogue tape was subject to all sorts of factors.
TDK CDing-II US 1992-97 - Tapeheads.net
2019年2月20日 · I have quite a few of the Type II CDing and one Type I CDing, the European versions. I recently tested them, to see how good they are, and the Type IIs behave in a very similar way to the late SA-EB. They have the same noise levels, and very similar (if not the same) frequency response.
The Mystery of the TDK CDing I | Page 2 | Tapeheads.net
2020年4月26日 · the 1991 CDing I was introduced to fill the gap between the D and AD. i've read a review ( it should be here in the pinned sections) that say that they behaves better than regular D, but not quite an AD.
TDK各系列磁带比较 - 百度文库
对于磁记录老大TDK,这样完整的系列属于正常。 对于我来说,许多系列也是第一次听说,自己使用过的仅仅只是其中不到10款左右。 如果你是那个年代过来的人,看看其中的哪一些你曾经使用过。 原装日本TDK空白磁带是当年质量最好的磁带之一Baidu Nhomakorabea在收录机盛行的年代,我们并不陌生,是我们的最爱! 80年代,我买过20合,每盒5元。 TDK各系列磁带比较-marmaxg原装日本tdk空白磁带是当年质量最好的磁带之一在收录机盛行的年代我们并不陌生 …
空白磁带SONY TDK 万胜,3大品牌空白磁带,入门必读
2021年7月14日 · 可以算是一类磁带中的极品,和SONY HF-Pro,TDK Super CDing I都是同级别的产品,各自代表了自己品牌的标杆。 当然了,标杆肯定是有昂贵的身价的,我手上的一盒XL I-S售价就是31元。
TDK 1997-2001 EUR - Vintage Cassettes
There are two additional line-ups: TDK CDing-I, CDing II, CDing Metal and TDK 01, 02 and 04. There is also TDJ DJ2. TDK FE is present in cheap Europeans markets.
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