TDK MA-R 90 (1979) - Tapeheads.net
2014年9月6日 · The MA-R delivered every single bit of the sonic spectrum without noise or dropouts. It's hard to believe a cassette could sound this good from 1979, but what do you expect from TDK, one of the greatest tape manufacturers of them all.
TDK MA-R and TDK MA-XG - Vintage Cassettes
TDK MA-R was a top pf the line of type IV cassettes. The formulation is based on Finavix particle. It is very heavy - early models have metal shell to reduce vibrations. State of the art performance. It appreared first around 1979. to contact us: tdk (AT)vintagecassettes.com.
TDK MA-R90 (Sealed!) Metal Alloy Cassette - Collectors item - Reverb
TDK MA-R blank professional quality cassette was only made available for a briefperiod within the TDK product line. This Metal cassette is more than twice as heavy as a regular blank cassette due to its metal frame construction. Considered to be one of the finest, if …
Tdk ma-r - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums
2010年2月26日 · The MA-R was the first premium TDK metal tape to use a special shell and top grade metal tape. Then in around 1986 it went to a revised MA-XG with similar design. Then in the early 90s it went to a green shelled MA-XG that was a plastic type of material.
TDK MA-R - 1979 - US - Blank Cassette Tape - New Sealed
TDK MA-R - 1979 - US. One of the most expensive cassettes ever made when new, and certainly up there now. What's so special? Well, take TDKs best Metal tape from the early 80s and put it in an unparalleled innovative shell made out of metal alloy. A superbly heavy and stable cassette that is one of the best ever made.
TDK MA-R the best!!! - tapeheads.net
2009年9月21日 · TDK MA-R has the best cassette shell ever made. There are 6 screws instead of 5 screws. I would say that it is better than the MA-XG, MA-XG Fermo or MA-X and even the MA.
昭和のオーディオ界が激震した究極のアナログテープメディア「TDK MA-R」「TDK MA …
2020年2月14日 · まず79年にメタルの申し子と言っても良いほど斬新なデザインで登場したのが「TDK MA-R」だ。 ダイキャストにアクリル板を組み合わせたハーフは、テープが空中に浮いているような感覚で未来感を感じさせる。 そして金属なので全体がひんやりしてずしっとくる重量がなんとも言えない名品だ。 上部の録音防止の爪は方向を変えるだけで何回でも使える。 そして中央寄りに開いた2個の穴がメタルポジションの検知用だ。 そして86年に登場したのが …
Factory Sealed TDK MA-R C90 Metal Alloy Cassette 1979
TDK MA-R is a Metal Alloy cassette tape - a true breakthrough in sound recording. The high coercivity and high remanence of TDK's magnetic particle assures superb MOL characteristics. This cassette tape should be only be used on a cassette recorder which has a …
2014年9月5日 · It's heavier than nearly all other cassettes. The metal frame is the center point that the shells are screwed to with no less than six screws. The record tabs can be moved in and out of record position so there is no need for cellatape like other tapes with cracked tabs. The MA-R was made to impress and you can bet, it did more than that.
TDK / MA-R(初代) - compactcassettes.jp
この製品は、テープにメタル磁性体を使用した超高性能カセットであるだけではなく、「RSメカニズム」(Reference Standard Cassette Mechanism)という高精度ダイキャストフレームを透明な特殊硬質プラスチックで挟み込んだ構造を本体に採用しており、「メタルテープの発売」というだけでも話題となった当時にあって、本製品の風貌、重量感や高価格は衝撃的なものであった。 カセットテープのメカニズム部分はデッキの一部であるから高精度でなければならない …