TDK Corporation | TDK
4 天之前 · TDK is the world’s leading electronic components and devices company that has the high magnetics technology. We contribute to develop the world culture and industry through high-level creativity. This website contains information about company, CSR, IR, …
TDK株式会社 | TDK - TDK Corporation
tdkは世界有数の電子部品メーカーとして、磁性技術の強みを活かし、高い創造性をもって成長を続け、世界の文化、産業の発展に貢献しています。 本ウェブサイトでは、TDKの製品情報や会社情報、CSR情報、投資家情報、採用情報などをご紹介します。
Exhibitions: TDK to showcase cutting-edge technology ... - TDK …
2023年12月11日 · Ribbit Robot: An interactive roaming robot showcasing the broad spectrum of TDK technologies in a single use case. Voice Command Module: An automatic voice sensing solution for devices without audio or wireless capabilities for voice control of home appliances, toys, and robots with preset command words.
TDK to showcase the power of its advanced sensor solutions at …
2024年6月5日 · TDK technology will come to life in the form of Ribbit the Robot, an interactive roaming robot showcasing the broad spectrum of TDK technologies in a single use case. Ribbit will chat with participants about new possibilities for applications in …
TDK Product Center
2025年3月6日 · Selection guides for TDK group products (TDK, EPCOS, TDK-Lambda). You can narrow your product search by setting parameters based on the product's characteristics. …
Ferrites and Accessories | TDK
TDK offers a wide variety of Mn-Zn ferrite materials optimized for their application purposes. TDK's portfolio of Ni-Zn ferrite materials also includes materials compatible with high frequencies, along with materials having high magnetic flux, high stress-resistance, and low temperature coefficients, optimized for various uses.
产品搜索和产品目录 - TDK电子
如果您明确自身需求,这是下载数据表、获取产品撤回信息、或查询我方代理商并立刻在线订购的最简便的方法。 想了解特定产品组合或更详细信息? 产品目录能满足您这两方面的需求,有助于您迅速查询到数据表和一般技术信息。 材料数据表和技术文献的链接能引导您去查阅相关信息。 想要找寻新产品信息? 我们的技术资料库能为您提供全部产品系列的最新动态。 您可通过类别、产品分组和关键词来筛选文章,轻松找到感兴趣的信息。 您还能订阅我们的RSS,实时获取 …
压电解决方案 - TDK电子
TDK致力于压电元器件生产已有数十年历史,产品畅销全球,并广泛用于汽车、消费品、医疗等要求严苛的应用。 我们不仅提供批量生产的标准元件,还能提供定制解决方案。 你知道吗? 采用 压电技术能否透过金属进行声学数据传输? 声学数据链路 (ADL) 利用超声波透过多层金属传输数据和能量。 其原理是使用压电元件将电信号转换为机械振动,从而激发声学波,反之亦然。 这种效应能用于在密闭金属腔或管道内识别装置或读取传感器数据。 广泛用于高能量密度的电容器的 …
Toroids are primarily used as EMC chokes for suppressing RF interference in the MHZ region and in signal transformers. Typical applications for toroids of NiZn ferrites are LAN chokes. One of the materials available for this purpose is K10; other materials on request. Toroids are also increasingly used for power applications.
Product catalog: Ferrite materials | TDK Electronics - TDK Europe
Product catalog: Ferrite materials - properties and parameters of our ferrite materials, link to the data sheet. Find out now!