Where's the TDM game mode? - Sea of Thieves
TDM would either be more popular because it's more accessible (no ship or crew dependence) or less popular because every video for this game showcases ships fighting. Given the low pop for Arena already with just the Galleon/Sloop split, I don't know if …
TDM Game Mode in Arena - Sea of Thieves
@theblackbellamy said in TDM Game Mode in Arena:. @raesed-digital Well, since you've had 3 naysayers regurgitate the same bit about "Rare isn't updating Arena," allow me to give you some hope.
My best TDM game thus far | Hypixel Forums - Hypixel SkyBlock …
2015年5月6日 · I got 966 points in a game of TDM, probably my best game yet!
Fix hour glass please, it's not a TDM game mode - Sea of Thieves
Twice tonight I've dealt with some double gunner who wants to board and anchor my boat, if i kill them whilst on my boat i know they can't respawn, but is there anyway you guys could increase the respawn timer if they aren't gonna play the game? if they wanna sail out of the ring fine, but that's not what happened, possible a x2/3/4/5+ multiplier …
[TDM] More party threads. Rant warning. | Hypixel Forums
2015年2月14日 · Woohoo and here is another party thread. Now I think the CTF parties have moved to TDM. First please look at the TDM game that I played with the party in the opposite team. Pretty insane isn't it? Aquamancer can't even get 5 assists in TDM. Can't even finish a quest. (also I died 7 times, but...
TDM game mode - Sea of Thieves
Another version could be capture the flag. with 2 teams against eachother. idk I think that this could be a new awesome game mode that could get people better at PvP while having fun. New commendations could be unlocked as well as weapons skins like the legendary sea dog weapons... maybe an all black weapon set with white skull and cross bones ...
Fix hour glass please, it's not a TDM game mode - Sea of Thieves
@personalc0ffee said in Fix hour glass please, it's not a TDM game mode: They can't solve the TDM problem until they solve the double gun problem. That's not entirely true, they could change the ladders and make them able to roll up. It wouldn't stop deck shots, but those are rare anyway. That won't solve the TDM problem. The game is not built ...
TDM and Quests | Hypixel Forums
2015年2月10日 · Team deathmatch gamemodes will likely be added with shaman. No certainty though. If there are new quests, they will probably be for TDM.
TDM - Sea of Thieves
@guru-chungus said in TDM: Can the devs of this game please add a tdm mode? The competitive side of the sot community likes to tdm and we don’t bother anyone while doing it. @Corkbottle, all of your points are great. I have one more point to add. @Guru-Chungus said "Can the devs of this game please add a tdm mode? The competitive side of the ...
Where's the TDM game mode? - Sea of Thieves
This game philosophy is the foundation to many of the successful pvp games on the market today and in the past. Halo, CSGO, Rainbow Six, Battlefield, COD the list is perpetual. A game mode that existed and strives since the beginning of competitive video games. 2 teams fight to the death. Simple and effective.