Scout | Tower Defense Simulator Wiki | Fandom
The Scout is one of two starter towers obtained upon joining the game for the first time, with the other being the Sniper. The Scout is very cheap in comparison to other towers, meaning it can be placed right from the start of the game.
Scout/Gallery | Tower Defense Simulator Wiki | Fandom
The Scout is one of the most commonly used towers in various official game images and videos, such as Thumbnails or Trailers. The Level 3+ armor that the Default and Bunny uses is the Scout armor from R2DA.
Golden Scout | Tower Defense Simulator Wiki | Fandom
The Golden Scout is a upgraded version of the Scout, obtained in the Golden Skincrate for 50,000. It can also appear in the Daily Skin Store for 55,000. You automatically unlock the Golden Scout's normal counterpart, the Scout, when you first join in the game.
Scout - TDS Legacy Wiki | Fandom
The Scout is one of two starter towers obtained upon joining the game for the first time, with the other being the Sniper. The Scout is very cheap in comparison to other towers, meaning that it can be placed right from the start of the game.
Scout | Tower Defense Simulator: RPG Wiki | Fandom
Scout One of the Starter towers you get when you play this game for the first time. Along side Citizen, Demoman, and Hunter. Scout's availability to all new players makes, he is a great introductory tower, but his diminishes as players progress to higher level arenas.
Golden Scout | Tower Defense Simulator Battlefield Wiki - Fandom
A buffed scout, does way more damage, faster walkspeed for outrunning enemies, and good for early game. Hey what can make you faster then wearing all gold! This scout's filthy rich and decided to go to a gun specialist + a fashion designer to get his outfit and guns.
Scout | Pre's Historic TDS Wiki - Fandom
Scout is the starter tower of the game, it is obtainable from the shop for Free and costs $250 to place it. The Scout is cheap, as it can be placed in the beginning of the game, however has low DPS. Scout is considered as a early-game tower, meaning it doesnt provide good use …
Scout (Tower Defense Simulator) - NamuWiki
It is a tower that you initially get for free along with the Sniper. In Korea, it is called reconnaissance, scout, ska, etc. In foreign countries, it is called Scout, SC, etc. The DPS is quite high for the price, and the performance is surprisingly good. You can skip buying a starting tower like Demoman or Paintballer.
Scout | TDS:BF Wiki | Fandom
The Scout is one of the simplest towers for new players, due to its damage and life depending on the levels it is at. It is also considered a fairly good Early Game tower for that type of use. (Not to be confused with Golden Scout )
Scout | Retro Tower Defense Simulator Wiki | Fandom
The Scout is the starter tower for the game. It is quite weak due to this. Upgrades Level 1: Laser Sight. Cost: $50 +2 Range; Sell Price changes to $116; Level 2: Cool Shades. Cost: $300 +2 Range +Hidden Detection; Sell Price changes to $183; Level 3: Scouting Vest. Cost: $800 +2 Damage; Sell Price changes to $350; Level 4: Dual-Wield