TESCAN SEM Solutions
SEM is crucial non-destructive technique for researches. TESCAN SEM Solutions for Materials Science, Life Sciences or Earth Sciences.
SEM analysis of materials at sub-micron scale - TESCAN MIRA
TESCAN MIRA’s 4th generation Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with FEG Schottky electron emission source combines SEM imaging and live elemental composition analysis in a single window of TESCAN’s Essence™ software.
TESCAN 提供各种样品室大小和配置的高性能钨灯丝扫描电子显微镜,以满足特定的分析需求。 TESCAN 还提供场发射扫描电子显微镜 ( FE-SEM ) ,配备高亮度肖特基场发射灯丝,可以获得高分辨率和低噪声成像效果。 其中,TESCAN MIRA 系列是高分辨率的场发射扫描电镜。
TESCAN AMBER X 具备快速精确的等离子体FIB刻蚀和无漏磁超高分辨SEM成像的特性,使其成为多项研究的首选方案,例如快速制备出宽度可达1 毫米的截面; 高通量、多模态的FIB-SEM断层扫描,可快速获得三维重建图像和可视化数据; 元素化学和/或晶体取向研究; 无注入 ...
TESCAN TENSOR: Advanced 4D-STEM for Material Science
4D-STEM is the microscopy method of choice for true nanoscale, multimodal characterization of material properties such as morphology, chemistry, and structure. At each pixel in the STEM dataset, TESCAN TENSOR acquires a diffraction pattern and an EDS spectrum, fast and perfectly synchronized.
Newly enhanced TESCAN CLARA features a streamlined user experience that lets you overcome obstacles to productivity and accelerates time to data. And this versatile UHR SEM provides unmatched contrast capabilities that will deliver comprehensive and accurate data to satisfy the widest range of materials research requirements.
Visualize Complex Details at the Nanoscale | TESCAN FIB-SEM
Our FIB-SEM technology offers two configurations: the Gallium (Ga) Ion Beam, which is user-friendly and integrates well with existing TEM workflows, ideal for straightforward specimen …
TESCAN - the producer and supplier of scanning electron microscopes and focused ion beam systems. See the whole product portfolio of SEM and FIB-SEM systems.
TESCAN VEGA - High performance at attractive cost - TESCAN
TESCAN VEGA’s 4th generation Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with tungsten filament electron source combines SEM imaging and live elemental composition analysis in a single …
TESCAN SEM Solutions for Materials Science
Scanning Electron Microscopy has become an essential tool for materials science and engineering. TESCAN offers an extended portfolio of turnkey systems, tailored to help scientists and researchers in materials science make progress and achieve their goals.