TF Mini LiDAR ToF 激光测距传感器 TFmini Plus ToF 激光测距 12m
TF Mini LiDAR是一款基于飞行时间技术(ToF)的单向激光测距仪。 它由特殊的光学和电子设备构成,内部集成了面向室内室外各种应用环境的适配算法,雷达身材小巧但测距性能优良。
TFMini-S - Micro LiDAR Module - SparkFun Electronics
The TFMini-S Micro LiDAR Module is a ToF LiDAR sensor capable of measuring the distance to an object as close as 10 centimeters and as far as 12 meters.
Benewake TFmini / TFmini Plus lidar — Copter documentation
The TFmini and TFmini Plus lidars have an indoor range of 12m, an outdoor range of 7m and weigh 5g and 11g respectively. Both UART and I2C versions are available. UART has the advantage of allowing easier firmware updates. More details on both these lidar can be found in the benewake.com’s downloads area.
Benewake(北醒) 短距 TFmini-S 12m介绍以及资料整理_tf-mini-s …
2023年6月2日 · 北醒TF-Luna激光雷达具有超低功耗模式,该模式下雷达默认不测距,MCU进入待机状态,待机功耗仅1.5mW。 综上所述, 北 醒 TF - Luna 激光雷达 在测距方面具有高精度、小视场角、高刷新率、超低功耗、增强测距能力、多目标测量以及辅助对焦应用等多重优势。
TFMINI在PX4/pixhawk上的安装和设置 - CSDN博客
2021年7月26日 · tf 系列是北醒推出的性价比极高的激光雷达,受到广大爱好者的追捧。 本文介绍TF 系列 和 PX4 的连接方法。 本文档基于QGroundControl v4.0.6 和 固件 PX4 v1.11.0 编写,如因地面站或固件功能不全,请升级。
benewake TFmini-i 12m Industrial-grade LiDAR Ranging Module
TFmini-i, based on the upgraded version of TFmini-S, is a compact short-range LiDAR sensor. Inherited advantages of low cost, small size and low power consumption from TFmini-S, TFmini-i has greatly improved its performance — increasing the measurement frequency, reducing blind zone, improving accuracy and stability.
Benewake(北醒) 短距 TFmini Plus 12m介绍以及资料整理
2023年6月2日 · TF mini Plus串口读取 TFmini Plus 测距精度高,对于室外强光、不同温度、不同反射率等不同环境下适应性更强,更低功耗,探测频率也更加灵活。 网上找到的代码可移植性不太高,借鉴了一下zf的超声波例程(doge),自己尽可能简洁地写了一下代码,亲测获得的 ...
TFMini - Micro LiDAR Module Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn
The TFMini is a ToF (Time of Flight) LiDAR sensor capable of measuring the distance to an object as close as 30 cm and as far as 12 meters! The TFMini allows you to integrate LiDAR into applications traditionally reserved for smaller sensors such as …
Buy TFMini-S Micro LiDAR Distance Sensor Online | Robu.in
TFmini-S is a single-point ranging LiDAR based on the TFmini upgrade. The blind zone is shortened from 30cm to 10cm, the outdoor performance and accuracy of different reflectivity are improved. The distance range is not disturbed by ambient light, which can be consistent with the indoor range and the accuracy is further optimized.
TFmini-S LiDAR, Micro LiDAR Sensor - Benewake
TFmini-S is a low-cost, compact, and lightweight micro LiDAR sensor with an enhanced frame rate. This mini LiDAR has versatile interfaces for various platforms, catering to diverse customer needs in short-range applications. TFmini-S LiDAR features a streamlined design.