Guide :: [BOT HUNT] BOTS NAMES LIST - Steam Community
2022年1月29日 · Then when you meet bot in game, just press binded key. In opened window "VOTE SETUP" select bot from list of VOTE TARGET. Further select in KICK REASON "PLAYER IS CHEATING". And finally click at CALL VOTE. Then you …
Bot names : r/tf2 - Reddit
2020年7月19日 · There are more bots than irc.mygot/76432763276rgyfreugyresf/mygot.gg, and I know a few names, but not all: Bot Extermination Services (Some of these are actually good guys, and target bots) Confederate Sniper Mygot Bots (the most common) Vorx/Vorts Comment any other names you know of.
01-13-2010 , 18:06 Automatic Bot Names - alliedmods.net
2014年1月24日 · This plugin reads bot names from a file, and gives every new bot an appropriate name. Update (version 1.1): If you're having issues with the auto-fill bots recently added to TF2 not getting names, see this post for the (not anymore) latest version. Update (version 1.2):
TF2 Bot List / Names :: Team Fortress 2 General Discussions
2022年3月8日 · Also the bot creators of the SpikeyMikey bots literally tried to made threats about planning an attack with SpikeyMikey bots in august last year unless SpikeyMikey gave his unusual to the bot creator which he didn’t which was a good choice but that’s means any bot creator could threaten other youtubers like Soundsmith, Lazypurple, or heck ...
r/tf2 on Reddit: Discussion: What are all the bot names that you …
2020年10月25日 · The first and foremost: Cat-bot. The first to be born and to kickstart the crisis. Standard aimbot and nothing else. Then you had Max Bots (aimed towards Max Box), spikeymikey bots (against spikeymikey), pazer bots (pazer). Those were "bots" directed at harassing major vocals against those bot hosts. Next came [VALVE] Twyii and [VALVE] NK.
A history of TF2 bot names : r/tf2 - Reddit
2024年1月28日 · I’ve been trying to make a list of all the names bots have had over the years as it is a surprisingly good way of me remembering the time with the game. These are the ones I have so far: Sydney Festive Hitman OMEGATRONIC …
Guide :: List of 500+ custom bot names - Steam Community
2018年7月5日 · The names are mostly code names/tactical sounding names/last names to add realism. I also kept some of the default names but left out the silly ones like "Pizza" and "Cool". Let me know if you think some names don't fit or are too silly/unrealistic. You can also edit the .txt file to add or remove names.
[TF2] Bot Manager - AlliedModders
2013年7月5日 · sm_bot_join_after_player - if nonzero, bots will wait until a player joins before entering the game, use this instead of tf_bot_join_after_player; sm_bot_game_logic - 0 = use plugin logic when assigning bots, 1 = use game logic; sm_bot_supported_map - if nonzero, bots will only be present on maps that have nav files
Is there a way to rename bots? :: Team Fortress 2 General …
2018年2月13日 · AI bots names can also be customized by a player by typing in, for example, tf_bot_add heavyweapons blue "Blu Hoovy"; this example would put a BLU Heavy on the BLU team with the name "Blu Hoovy".
Steam Community :: Guide :: In depth list of ALL the Bots so far ...
2020年6月2日 · The recent raspy bots are actually CAN YOU QUACK Bots, but they changed their names. The reason why they changed their name is that someone made a Steam guide on how to reliably kick bots that were impersonating people, and the owner of the CAN YOU QUACK bots got angry at him and named the bots after him to frame him and make people harass him.