team fortress 2 - How do I change my Field of View? - Arqade
2013年3月12日 · You can adjust your fov with fov_desired. It will only go up to 90. The viewmodel_fov, however can be beyond 90. This command only affects what is in front of your screen (gun, hands,etc) instead of how much you can see. More viewmodel_fov, the less your guns and your hands cover up your screen. More fov_desired, the more you can actually see.
team fortress 2 - How do I switch my HUD view in tf2? - Arqade
2015年7月7日 · On YouTube I see a lot of people whose HUD shows the whole weapon without it in their face. The weapon was a bit more away from the screen.
team fortress 2 tf2 soldier - What different kinds of rocket jumping ...
First the basic rocket jump. I also recommend using the gun boats while you try this. Soldier. Technique To do a basic rocket jump crouch, aim the rocket at your feet then fire and jump at the same time.
How to save console options in Portal 2? - Arqade
2011年9月2日 · Unfortunately we tried and this doesn't seem to work, fov is 90 as usual... we tried all kinds of combinations (changing fov_desired, using "75" instead of 75, modifying config.cfg (which gets overwritten with the default values each time we execute the game) and nothing seems to work, just the manual override. –
TF2 Last Map not rotating to First Map - Arqade
2017年5月21日 · This is from the official Tf2 Wiki: If you decide to use a custom map voting plugin, make sure you put the map name in both the maplist.txt and the voting list for it to work correctly.
team fortress 2 tf2 soldier - What is the technique for effective ...
2013年3月12日 · tf2-soldier; Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Mar 12, 2013 at 18:00. childe. 72.9k 189 189 gold ...
team fortress 2 mods - Transparent viewmodels on TF2 - Arqade
2016年1月4日 · Viewing TF2 server-side replay blocks. 3. TF2 Scripting: Action Slot. 0. More Character Dialog in TF2? 4.
Bot manipulation using the console in TF2 - Arqade
2013年1月25日 · In console, type tf_bot_add <count> <class> <team> <difficulty>.. Example: tf_bot_add 2 demoman red normal All substitutions should be self explanatory.
How can I turn off viewmodels for certain weapons? - Arqade
2015年5月21日 · I know that I can turn off the viewmodels of all weapons of a specific class by typing r_drawviewmodel "0" into the cfg file of that class, but how can I (with or without scripts) turn the viewmode...
team fortress 2 - How to stop bots from attacking me in TF2
2015年7月16日 · By default, Puppet Bots will remain motionless, but will attack if they can see you. bot -team <teamname/number> -class <classname> -name <botname>