Sniper Rifle (Classic) - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
The Team Fortress Classic' s Sniper Rifle design resembles the Heckler & Koch G36 with a ZF 3×4° dual optical sight. A fatal headshot or a well placed fully charged shot will gib the victim …
The Classic | Team Fortress Wiki | Fandom
The Classic is a primary weapon for the Sniper. It is a rifle based on the on from Team Fortress Classic,and is also based on the H&K G36, fitted with a longer barrel and a laser sight. The …
Classic - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
It is a visual recreation of the Sniper Rifle from Team Fortress Classic and uses a remastered version of the Classic Sniper Rifle's firing sound. Unlike other sniper rifles, the Classic does …
Automatic Rifle (Classic) - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
The Team Fortress Classic Automatic Rifle design resembles the Heckler & Koch G36 with a ZF 3×4° dual optical sight. This weapon's model is identical to the Sniper Rifle. Gallery
G36一命真离谱啊 - NGA玩家社区
2012年10月18日 · G36一命真离谱啊. 支援前加buff 火热攻势攻击15%+伤害提高20%,控制一下就能让主要c稳稳吃到 [s:ac:哭笑]不抽的我心里咯噔了一下. 改动 热点回复
后知后觉氵,其实纯火队淘汰的只会是G36吧 - 百度贴吧
2025年3月6日 · 不可能的。 会战要驱散,没G36光回血没用。
【图片】3DG G36C 使用说明【水弹吧】_百度贴吧
3dg g36c 使..2以上,有什么发现再更补四楼补5楼
恶性bug,狙击镜准心错位 - 《潜行者2》 - 3DMGAME论坛
2024年11月22日 · 以我个人的经验,一但触发这个bug,SVD、VSS、G36自带的瞄准镜都会受到影响。 今天主线任务做到被敌人一个狙击手压制了,我兴奋的掏出svd准备对狙,结果发现怎 …
当时看pv一点就看出来安朵斯是g36k了。 ,一代女仆长是标准版g36,有短突g36c,重型枪管丽丝mg36,现在二代里女仆长是g36e出口款,安朵斯是g36k特种部队款. 问问你自己。 我要黑丝 …
G36 - IOP Wiki
2024年12月29日 · The Gewehr 36, known more simply as the G36, is a gas-operated select-fire 5.56x45mm rifle developed by German arms manufacturer Heckler and Koch. It was designed …
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