Hydro - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
Hydro is a Territorial Control map, and one of the six initial maps included with the game's release. So far, Hydro is the only official Territorial Control map, possibly due to the complexity and difficulty of designing such a map type. The goal of Hydro is to take over the entire map by capturing "territories".
Hydro - Team Fortress Wiki
Hydro is a Territorial Control map, and one of the six initial maps included with the game's release. So far, Hydro is the only official Territorial Control map, possibly due to the complexity and difficulty of designing such a map type. The goal of Hydro is to take over the entire map by capturing "territories".
Hydro/水壩 - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
Hydro(水壩)是一張地區控制模式地圖,也是遊戲剛推出時即有的六張地圖之一。或許是因為模式的複雜度和設計難度,到目前為止 Hydro 是唯一一張模式為地區控制模式的地圖。
What's the deal with Hydro? - YouTube
Hydro is a map, let's discuss that. For real though, I think it's interesting to talk 'bout probably the least remembered launch map. I kinda like it but I understand why some others...
Hydro - TF2 Classic Wiki
2014年12月31日 · Hydro is an official Territorial Control map, and is currently the only Territorial Control map in the game, likely due to the complexity of making such a map. It is set between the BLU energy production facility and the RED radio communications facility, based around a hydroelectric dam somewhere in a desert canyon.
What exactly is wrong with tc_hydro, and how can it be fixed?
2012年11月4日 · Hydro isn't really that bad of a map, it's simply that there are about 20 other maps that are better. Any decent pl map works better on pub. It wouldn't ever work at all in the slightest in 6v6.
Hydro (Domination) - TF2 Classic Wiki - Team Fortress Classic
2020年7月4日 · Hydro (Domination) is an official Four-Team Domination map, based on the prior Hydro (Territorial Control) map. It uses the four middle setpieces from Hydro, connected together at all times through sprawling routes. A team gains …
Community Hydro strategy - Official TF2 Wiki - Team Fortress 2
2007年10月10日 · One of the keys to playing Hydro is understanding just how a Territorial control map works and which parts of Hydro are currently in play. At the start of each round you will emerge from your spawn area and will be connected to one of the enemy territories. A key to good play is working this out quickly and getting your assault underway.
Hydro - Team Fortress 2 Classic Wiki | Fandom
Hydro is a Territorial Control map. The Death & Taxes Update added a Four-Team Domination version. The map has a single stage instead of six as in the Territorial Control version. The map is divided into four main areas connected by tunnels. Each …
How to fix Hydro : r/tf2 - Reddit
2011年7月29日 · Valve put a lot of effort into tc_hydro. If you aren't familiar with it, it is a map that shipped with the original TF2 and was quickly forgotten, despite the glowing commentary. The problem with hydro is that, as soon as a team captures a point, the game stops, resets, and starts a new round, destroying any momentum.