BLU - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki
BLU (Builders League United) is a subsidiary of TF Industries, which allegedly specializes in "construction operations". BLU has considerable land in the New Mexican Badlands and …
BLU - Team Fortress Wiki
BLU (BUILDERS LEAGUE UNITED), a subsidiary of TF Industries, allegedly specializes in "construction operations". In reality, from behind a myriad of sub-fronts, it secretly controls half …
游戏王TF3集中讨论贴 (12/07更新) - 游戏王 - Nw BBS 壬天堂世界
2008年11月24日 · TF3采用OCG最新的大师规则 (マスタールール),当中比起以前的规则有修改和变化,如最新的同调系统。 若是以前的游戏王玩家一段时间少接触,想熟悉新规则者请看如 …
If TF3 became a reality... :: Team Fortress 2 General Discussions
2014年5月26日 · I know Valve will probably never make TF3, but I'm just saying what if they did in their lifetime. Storywise I think the game this time should be focusing on the war between the …
Team Fortress III | Fanon Wiki | Fandom
BLU's goal is to escort the train to the end of the map by capturing control points throughout the map. For every 35 seconds that BLU fails to capture the control point, the train loses 10% of …
Why does it look like Blu is more advanced in Technology than ... - Reddit
2022年7月15日 · In the art direction, blu uses concrete and industrial designs while red uses wood and agricultural designs. It's partially because wood is used as a desaturated red colour …
TF3: The Story - The Team Fortress 2 Fanon Wiki
The baisic story of TF3 goes as follows: Redmond and Blutarch Mann are long dead. The BLU team lost the war years ago, before any of the RED mercs were even hired.
Team Fortress 3 | Video Games Fanon Wiki | Fandom
Escort (T) The BLU Team should push two armored trucks into the RED Team's base that can be destroyed, though it has a really high health pool. The opposing team wins by destroying the …
波特7上 + 7下,台铁TF3 - 正版蓝光-主讨论区 - 布鲁蓝光网(blufans.com)- 蓝光 高清 4K UHD Blu …
2011年11月13日 · 波特死亡圣器上+下这次都是3D配置,立体套封挺漂亮的~~还送T服?看了下正片3D版都有上译。台铁TF3还没拆~~小礼物还不错~镭射灯竟然是霸天虎标志,大爱! [ 本帖 …
感谢京东大出血,TF3中国究极版我已入手 - 正版蓝光-主讨论区 - 布鲁蓝光网(blufans.com)- 蓝光 高清 4K UHD Blu ...
2012年2月14日 · 原本说今年隐退江湖不再买碟了,被京东这么一搅合,破戒了,我日啊!!!! 感谢京东大出血,TF3中国究极版我已入手 ,布鲁蓝光网(blufans.com)- 蓝光 高清 4K UHD …