Tg is a valuable characterization parameter associated with a material and can provide very useful information regarding the end-use performance of a product. The ‘classic’ Tg is observed as an endothermic stepwise change in the DSC heat flow or heat capacity. What is the Practical Importance of Tg? The glass transition event.
• Differential thermal analysis is a technique measuring the difference in temperature between a sample and a reference (a thermally inert material) as a function of the time or the temperature, when they undergo temperature scanning in a controlled atmosphere.
Simultaneous Thermogravimetry-Differential Scanning Calorimetry (TG-DSC …
2024年4月3日 · This article presents and discusses the results of a compilation of experimental results of thermogravimetry with simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC), obtained in the same apparatus and under similar experimental conditions, for a selection of nanoporous materials with interesting properties as adsorbents and catalysts ...
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) measures weight/mass change (loss or gain) and the rate of weight change as a function of temperature, time and atmosphere. Measurements are used primarily to determine the composition of materials and to predict their thermal stability.
基础理论丨TG-DSC原理与测试入门经典问答 - 知乎
热重分析在实际的材料分析中经常与其他分析方法连用,进行综合热分析(通常用的最多的就是TG-DSC综合热分析法),全面准确分析材料。 热重分析指温度在程序控制时,测量物质质量与温度之间的关系的技术。 这里值得一提的是,定义为质量的变化而不是重量变化,是基于在磁场作用下,强磁性材料当达到 居里点 时,虽然无质量变化,却有表观失重。 而热重分析则指观测试 …
Glass Transition Measurements by DSC - ASTM International
1994年1月1日 · DSC Tg measurements are reviewed to show how the location, shape, and magnitude of the transition can be used to characterize the composition and behavior of a wide variety of polymeric materials ranging from homopolymers, blocks, grafts, and blends to networks.
How do I identify the glass transition temperature in a DSC …
One simple way is to draw a tangent on the initial straightline representing baseline. Draw another tangent on the slope. The crossover point is Tg. Usually, all commercial DSC instruments are...
TG-DSC联用测试重点 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年10月14日 · 测试目的及意义: 同步热分析仪 (TG-DSC)可以同步提供TG与DSC的信号,通过一次测量即可获取 质量变化与热效应两种信息。 TG信号 用于研究材料的质量变化、成分分析、热稳定性、氧化/还原、分解行为、腐蚀性研究、分解动力学分析等, DSC信号 用于研究材料的熔融/结晶、固相转变、结晶度、玻璃化转变、抗氧化性等。 可根据某一热效应是否对应质量变 …
TG-DSC原理与测试分析什么是TG-DSC? - 科学指南针
2021年12月20日 · 热重分析在实际的材料分析中经常与其他分析方法连用,进行综合热分析(通常用的最多的就是TG-DSC综合热分析法),全面准确分析材料。 热重分析指温度在程序控制时,测量物质质量与温度之间的关系的技术。 这里值得一提的是,定义为质量的变化而不是重量变化,是基于在磁场作用下,强磁性材料当达到居里点时,虽然无质量变化,却有表观失重。 而热重 …
Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (TGA/DSC) - METTLER TOLEDO
METTLER TOLEDO's simultaneous thermal analysis (TGA/DSC) delivers unmatched accuracy and consistent results. Boost productivity with automation & explore diverse applications with a modular design.