Thermogravimetric Analyzers - TA Instruments
TA Instruments | Waters invites you to experience the world’s finest line of Thermogravimetric Analyzers: The Discovery TGA 55, TGA 550, and TGA 5500. Discover the advanced engineering and attention to detail that provides enhancements in every aspect of TGA technology and a new level of user experience.
热重分析仪 (TGA) - TA仪器 | Waters Corporation 热分析仪
热重分析仪 (TGA) 测量重量(损失或增加)和重量变化率随温度、时间和环境的变化。 热重数据对于为差示扫描量热法开发设置适当的温度限值至关重要。 其他常见用途包括材料的热稳定性和氧化稳定性、水分和挥发物含量、多组分材料的组成、产品的分解动力学和估计寿命,以及反应性或腐蚀性环境的影响。 TA 仪器| Waters 诚邀您体验全球最优秀的热重分析仪系列:Discovery TGA 55、TGA 550和 TGA 5500。 探索先进的工程技术和对细节的关注,这提升了 TGA 技术的各 …
Its efficient low mass furnace, ultra-reliable thermobalance, unique purge gas system (with mass flow control), and advanced automation provide for superior TGA performance. The Q500 is an expandable system that is well equipped to handle TGA applications, from …
Our custom-designed furnace is a key element of a Q500/Q50 TGA. It features low mass, rugged heater windings, and proprietary heater control technology. User benefits include rapid, accurate, and precise temperature and rate programming, plus optimized use in the Q500 of advanced techniques such as Hi-Res™ TGA and Modulated TGA™.
TA Instruments TGA 500 | Composite Materials and Structures …
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is routinely used to evaluate the stability of materials at elevated temperatures. Degradation temperature and moisture content are common tests executed using TGA. The TGA 500 is capable of heating to 1000 o C, has the "Hi Rez" feature for superior temperature resolution, and can be toggled between nitrogen and ...
热重分析仪 TGA Q5000/Q500/Q50/Q600 Thermogravimetric …
Q500是TA公司生产线上研发级的顶级热重分析仪。 它包括高效低质量炉体, 高级自动控温系统,温度范围从室温至1000℃。 Q500的选配件有高解析TGA. (Hi-Res™TGA),调制TGA (Modulated TGA),EGA炉体和自动进样器等。 高解. 析TGA加强了仪器分离连续反应的功能,大大提高了仪器的分辨率。 调制. 比标准的ASTM方法要快速得多。 EGA炉体是一个标准的石英逸出气体分析炉, 可完美地与质谱仪 (MS) 或红外分析仪 (FTIR) 联用,对材料组成进行分析。 研 …
美国 TA TGA Q系列 热重分析仪_参数_价格-仪器信息网
Q500的选配件有高解析TGA (Hi-Res?TGA),调制TGA (Modulated TGA),EGA炉体和自动进样器等。 高解析TGA加强了仪器分离连续反应的功能,大大提高了仪器的分辨率。 调制TGA是在实验过程中用一个调制的温控程序来得到动力学数据,并且此过程比标准的ASTM方法要快速得多。 EGA炉体是一个标准的石英逸出气体分析炉,可完美地与质谱仪 (MS) 或红外分析仪 (FTIR) 联用,对材料组成进行分析。 Q500是一款配置完备且有升级空间的TGA设备,无论是常规分析检 …
TGA 550 - TA仪器
2016年8月10日 · TGA 55 和 TGA 550 可选配的逸出气体分析 (EGA) 炉。 特点和优点. 环境温度至 1000 °C; 受线性控制时的加热速率为 0.01 至 50 °C/min; 体积小、真空密闭、石英管衬,可获得不错的逸出气体分析结果; 采用石英管衬,便于对分析炉进行清洁
The TGA 5500 is designed for the researcher that requires the highest level of performance and features in one package. Built to maximize temperature control and minimize drift, the TGA 5500 has less drift than any competitive TGA – even those using post-test data manipulation!
TA美国Discovery热重分析仪热天平 TGA55_参数_价格-仪器信息网
TA 仪器的热重分析仪系列产品 有 — Discovery TGA 55、TGA 550 和 TGA 5500。 所有全新 Discovery TGA产品的核心均采用Tru-Mass天平技术。 Tru-Mass天平系统采用了隔热处理,可在各种实验室环境下实现高灵敏度,分辨率则可分离具备挑战性的TGA样品成分,同时还兼具超低基线 ...
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